Ch.16| Breaking apart

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After our little fight about a week ago Hussain and I don't speak because we got into a second argument and said some hurtful things to each other. He asks Layla for lunch, asks about her day, and gists her all the time. They even pray together sometimes and I pray alone. Layla is basically betraying me. It's very childish if you ask me because he's trying to make me jealous. If I am being honest to myself things haven't been the same since we made up yes we talk to each other and all but something is off.

He seems to be opening up about the idea of marrying her and that is enough to make me depressed. Who spoke to him? Why the change of heart? Every time I tried to bring it up he changed the subject or ignored me entirely. Layla avoids me obviously out of guilt or something else. We spoke less in this week I felt like the guest in my own home.

"Hey Layla I'm home" Hussain called out as he got in, Maybe she shouldn't be living with us anymore.

"Asalmu Alaykum sannu da dawowa" She replied collecting his stuff. She gave them to me as she didn't enter our room. She only came in to gist with me occasionally when Hussain was out.

"Welcome back" I greeted and he ignored me. You know the worst thing here is I actually apologized to him.

"Layla how was your day I was wondering if you'd like to go out tomorrow" He said flatly.

"My day was good Ayeesha made me laugh a lot. And I wouldn't mind actually" the f*ck? I thought she didn't want to marry him?!

"Great by 5"

I walked up quietly ignoring them. Oh Allah help me please. He came upstairs and met me sitting on the bed working on my laptop. He stared at me before going into the en suite bathroom. I quietly thought about the things I've been writing on my expressions wall. I feel like making my last heart a shattered one.Hussain may actually marry Layla I'm too stubborn for him, I can't even give birth, can't even allow him touch me.

"I think I'm going to marry Layla but I'll wait 2 more months before telling her. I asked baba for 5 more months considering the whole second marriage thing" Hussain said leaning on the wall far from the bed.

As those words left his mouth I felt like someone had punched me in the face. I gulped and nodded. I'm not surprised anyway so why make a big fuss?

"Aren't you going to say something?" He asked frowning his face. Is he even for real I should say what?

"What do you want me to say? As long as your happy." I felt a tear roll down as I looked at him and back at my laptop.

He sighed loudly and left. I can't live like this, maybe I'll call Hanifa and go to her house. I can't really run away though.

If it gets too much for me to handle I'll go to Hanifas house. I called Hanifa and told her, she was obviously mad but she tried to mask it by saying "Yay sleepover."


Hussain was being nice to me call me crazy but I think he's starting to fall in love with me. He's been growing on me these days he's very caring and so Hot! So maybe I'm backstabbing Ayeesha, and also going against my thoughts before. I'm finally getting happy, sorry Ayeesha but I'm not backing off.

Finally my mum will accept me, I won't be disowned. So this Arranged marriage will no longer be a forced one.

Hussain groaned and muttered something that made me burst out laughing as we walked into the house. I toned my laughter down as I spotted Ayeesha sitting on the couch.

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