Ch.39|mixed feelings

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There she was,

My wife....

In all her glory...

She spoke so well and so professionally my heart swelled with pride! When they announced her job I was even more surprised I had even wanted to shout "Na me get am! She's my wife" but I held myself. She looked so confident up there her face glowing with her big smile that melted my heart every time. Beautiful was a word that didn't do justice to how she looked up there, I wanted to cry tears of joy and tears of relief.

"Mrs. Hamza Mohammed everyone" the host said excitedly bringing me out of my reverie. I felt my smile grow wider, she had kept my name.

I wanted to go and meet her immediately she stepped of the stage for the second time. Zayn kept introducing me to people and there just wasn't enough time. I didn't know what I would say or how she would react but I just wanted to be right next to her. Till the end of the event I hadn't gotten a chance to speak to Ayeesha. When I saw her leaving I quickly ran towards her.

"Excuse me please" I tapped her shoulder and her smile immediately fell. She gasped and took a step back.

"Ayeesha" I said in the most softest voice almost in tears.

"Hussain... how.. how are you here?" She asked.

"Uh I came with Zayn" I replied and for some odd reason she took more steps back.

"Oh ok ina sauri someone is waiting for me"

"Oh alright ba damwa"


"Bye" I wanted carry her and run away with her but something told me to calm down.

I expected she would run from me or yell at me. I had also imagined that maybe she would hug me and we would patch up, but definitely not whatever just happened. It was the most awkward conversation I had ever had in my entire life!

She quickly ran into her car with her friends and they drove off, I don't know what came over me to let her go. The fear in her eyes when she saw me felt like my heart had been hurt so much it turned to glass, and it was just waiting for that tiny heavy metal ball to hit it and it came crashing into a million pieces. I was happy to see her I felt relieved but the pain came back fresh and it hurt so bad, emotionally and physically.

She'll be at the events for the next 2 days hopefully we'll get to talk again to make things up. I can't have her being scared of me like this I'll call Hanifa and ask her to talk to her.


MashaAllah my speeches went very well, the first one was really good. Some of our investors were there and were of good help in supporting us. I met great people that would be good for partnerships and investments. I left with over 20 people's cards who wanted me to call them to do jobs for them in their own companies! All thanks be to Allah for it is not in my power but his.

The event was going great and when it ended people were still there chatting and sipping champagne but I had to go. I miss my baby. As I was about to leave I saw Hussain and my heart stopped. I wanted to run for my dear life! I had to keep calm I can't run from him again and make him think I was scared of him. I was confident and I was strong!

"Ayeesha" he said in the most calming voice that made me just want to hug him and the crack in his voice didn't go unnoticed.

"Hussain... how.. how are you here?" I asked for I was still in utter shock what is he doing here. He explained that he came for the expedition with Zayn.

I know Zayn he's big in the real estate and Architecture business he actually spoke today. He mentioned a new business partner... could it be Hussain?

I quickly made an excuse and left it was so uncomfortable and scary. I felt tears at the back of my eyes but I didn't want to cry not now. What kind of day is this? I chose to be quiet and not tell the girls anything but Hanifa noticed something wrong.

"Meya faru? Kinyi Kaman an kashe wani ah gaban ki ( what happened you look like they killed someone in front of you) " She spoke in Hausa quietly so Sam wouldn't understand and Aaliyah wouldn't hear.

"Na ganshi Hanifa Na ganshi (I saw him Hanifa I saw him)" I replied staring straight ahead.

"Shi wa? (Him who?)"

"Hussain Mohammed" I chuckled humorlessly and shook my head.,

"Mijin ki? (Your husband)"

"Yes Hanifa"

"Kunyi magana (did you talk?)" I shook my head.

"Not really I said I was in a hurry"

"Bakiyi hugging inshi ba (You didn't hug him?)" She asked trying to be funny.

"Allah ya sawaqe (May God exchange things for the better)" I scoffed.

"Ama tun da Yazo (since he came today) that means he'll be here for the next 2 days ko"

"I'll have to face him sooner or later"

We arrived at the house and while Aaliyah and Sam came out of the car Hanifa and I stayed to finish up our talk.

"You need to forgive him because it wasn't his fault wallahi"

"Ya zaki sani he abused me, lied to me, betrayed me, he humiliated me in front of that stupid woman not even once twice with Layla too then there was that yesmin wallahi na gaji who next Hanifa? What next?"

"You already got over the yesmin thing and about Layla you guys worked that out. Don't bring up old things Ayeesha you'll make things worse for yourself"

"But he lied to me he broke his promise to me"

"You know him and Fati never really got married. She used the 3 object wizard charm on him that's why he abused you and mistreated you bada saninchi ba. Hussain would do a lot of things but hitting a woman is not one if you trust him you know that he would never have done that to you knowingly"

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that Fati charmed him and he didn't do any of those things to you intentionally Mariam and Garba helped remove the charm and he was looking for you to apologise like mad. He apologised to your parents he cried Ayeesha a lot and for a year he looked dead he was planing on returning back on his search for you this year because we all told him to give you space. He asked everyone he searched and searched he was insulted and so much more in the process I can tell you that He's really sorry"

"La illah la illahu"

"You have every right to be scared and yes without the charm he had his major flaws but he deserves what I will say a third chance. Think about it and at the end of the day be wise about it ask Allah for wisdom do what seems right to you and will make you happy ok? After all you went through I wanted to kill him but I've seen how sorry he is how he's changed and I think it would be worth it if you got back together and if you don't want to then don't! I support you any way you choose. Choose what will make you happy."

"I don't want to leave London"

"You don't have to"

I sighed deeply and closed my eyes.

"Inna lillahi wa inna lillahi rajiun" I whispered, I'm going to pray istakhara prayer this night.

Hehe Reuniteddddd!!
I don't know how I feel about this chapter but I'm sad to announce that the book is slowly coming to an end 😢



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