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Now I'm in my car on my way back to my house, my house with Hussain and unfortunately Layla. The thought of Layla being there was enough to discourage me to go back but I better get used to she's going to be my co-wife. I drove slowly thinking of how my life has turned upside down in a matter of months. I was on cloud 9 before married to the best husband I could ask for who had eyes for only me! Expecting our first baby together and boom we lost our baby and he got less attracted to me. Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum bi ramatika astagheeth.

I was in my pink Abaya and white headscarf. It's a bright pink and white affair, everything bright!! I want to be positive! Telling myself that my future might be bright. Lol.

"Madammm kin dawo (madam you've come back)" Garba, the gateman shouted as I drove in, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Sannu da dawowa" he greeted as he took my box from the boot.

"Na gode Garba how far" I smiled at him taking my bag and phone from the passenger seat.

"I dey fah madam we just dey miss you because madam oga don become harsh maybe him dey miss you and that Layla madam I know no if she still dey because when cook dey off we no dey chop fah madam" He talks too much and doesn't even know to talk to people but he was efficient and he didn't steal so we'll manage.

"Ah ah that's not good wallahi don't worry. na dawo. I'll try and sort everything Out" I said as the door opened reaveling a very rough looking Hussain. Garba quickly carried my box in.

"Asalmu alaykum" I greeted quietly with my head lowered.

"Wa'alaykum salam sannu da dawowa" Hussain replied closing the door behind Garba.

"Thank you. How have you been? and where's Layla" I asked casually as he stood looking at me in the living room. This is so awkward were just standing Staring at each other and it weakened me. Is this how we've become?

"I haven't been so good and I drove Layla away the following day after you left" I gasped.

"What why?!?"

"I told my parents that I don't want to marry her and they couldn't make me because I only love you" he said taking a few steps closer.

"Wow " I said quietly.

"So currently I'm not on talking terms with them Baba. umm How have you been"

"Alhamdulillah but could be better"

he nodded and I continued." I'm really sorry about how I reacted and my attitude InshaAllah I'll work hardly on it... and Hussain I am trying to make this marriage work because I also love you and I don't want to give up on you...on us! so easily. What will people say of me or what will I even think of myself if we are divorced and I didn't even try hard I will be a disgrace to my family. Please I'm really sorry for everything. Sorry for raising my voice sorry for not being able to give you a child I'm sorry and Ill try and understand if you don't want me again" I finished off already in tears.

"Please don't say that I'm the one that should be apologizing I took things way too far. Baby, I'm sorry for hurting you I am so ashamed of what I did my heart is bowing in shame for what I said to you and also my actions. Wallahi tallahi I don't know what came over me. My heart breaks at the thought of losing you and I can't survive without you just a week of you away and I've become a zombie you're my backbone Ayeesha I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me I swear I'll do better this time just give me a second chance to love you the right away and shield you from any pain! My hand misses the feel of holding yours, My ears miss being filled with your sweet voice and my eyes with your beautiful self MashaAllah I am so sorry baby" he finshed his eyes filled with tears and I walked up to him and hugged him tighter than ever.

"I love you" he said into my ear as he kissed my neck.

"I love you too" I said back in my tears. call me a fool for just agreeing so easily but the past is in the past and this moment right here is all I've been craving.

"Please stop crying my love you know I hate seeing your tears even though I'm usually the reason behind them and I'm sorry"

"Shh baby its ok" I wiped my tears and we shared a smile.


"I saw all your snaps on Snapchat and your Instagram posts looking sexy as always" He smirked checking me out.

"I know right" I smirked back as we burst out laughing. I'm glad we can just go back to normal easily but will I ever forget that slap? Never. Maybe I can bury it from now and tell myself I'm over it because all I wanted was my husband back. To love and to be loved. I missed and craved the warmth, the cuddles, the kisses and everything in between so much that I ignored the hurt I felt deep down.


My wife is back!! My happiness knows no bounds. Alhamdulillah. I was so scared that she would never come back or never forgive me. In those 2 weeks I hardly ate, I buried my head in work and it felt like the time when we lost the baby only it was worse this time. This time I didn't get to see her and this time I was the one behind her pain. If I could go back in time and erase what had happened honestly I would!

"I really missed my wife" I told her as she sat on my laps while I laid flat.

"I missed my husband more"

"Of course you missed me" she playfully glared at me and was about to get off me but I gripped her waist.

"So which guy was checking you out" I wiggled my eyebrows and we laughed.

"Not many but I was so happy when I met Abdul a childhood family friend aslo ya IB's best friend and when I was younger I wanted to marry him" she chuckled.

"Hmm but now your married to me now and I'm sure I'm much better"

"Yup you sure are" she bent down a bit to pick up he phone from beside me revealing quite some cleavage.

"Thats a sight " I winked and she playfully smacked my lap.

"Your a bad boy" she laughed.

"I know thats why you love me. You ma bad girl marrying bad boys like me"

"Perfect match huh?" She said sarcastically.

"Yup" I kissed her hand as she slipped of my laps to the bed. She laid in my arms and kissed my torso nuzzling into my chest.

"I'm sleepy baby good night"

"Goodnight Barbie" I kissed her forehead.

Hmm I don't trust this Hussain fully. Sha did you read all those sweet deep things he was saying?? Chai! 😩

Will this really be the last time he hurts her though?😈 you haven't seen anything yet!!!!!


Love y'all lodi Lodi❤️

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