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I woke up and found myself in the hospital. I saw mama sitting next to me crying, Hanifa on a praying mat reading Qur'an, Hafsa pacing up and down and Yusuf leaning on the wall.

"Mama" I whispered and I felt a sharp pain in my neck.

"Oh My SubhanAllah" she shouted loudly getting everyone's attention. A bunch of Alhamdulillah were heard around the room. Yusuf went to get a doctor and they were all just looking at me worried but smiling.

"Hello Ayeesha" Mrs. Ahmed my doctor greeted me, she's actually the family doctor and a relative.

"Sannu it hurts to talk" I replied quietly feeling a pang in my chest and they all chuckled a bit.

"Ok then just give me thumbs up and thumbs down. Okay first does your whole body ache?" Thumbs up.

"Can you see properly" thumbs up
"Does your vision go blurry" thumbs down.

That's how we went on for like 20 questions more. She told me I'll be here for a few more days and I'll be taking quite a few Injections.

"Ayeesha I think your family and I would really want to know what happened later after I give you this medication and all you should be able to speak without so much pain. I'm sorry to say but you now have some rare pregnancy complications and 2 at once for that matter you may loose your baby at birth or you ......" She trailed of and mama gasped shaking her head.

"Like what please" I had totally forgotten about the pain now I was scared.

"Haemorrhage is heavy uncontrolled bleeding due to whatever was done to you also you may have an atomic uterus where your womb doesn't contract properly and also trauma so that's one. And the other is you were or are starting to develop amniotic fluid embolism where the fluid your baby floats in the water as they call it some cells enter your bloodstream and trigger an allergic reaction. Some women collapse at child birth or even die...... it's really scary and your case is wild because were just seeing it late at pregnancy" she finished.

"Can something be done?" Mama asked.

"Our only option is we can start some treatment for the amniotic fluid allergy and we may have to actually perform that hysterectomy which is removal of the womb so there may be no baby after this one" She sighed rubbing her temple I felt my cheeks go wet as I cried silently.


I had told mama everything and she told me how I was unconscious for a day. What really pained me was that Hussain didn't even bother calling or looking for me. News somehow had gotten out so Tahir, hauwa, binta, and Hadiza had called or come to see me. It's 8pm right now and my third day in this godforsaken place. There were balloons, food, and teddy bears around the room.

"You guys are just funny" Mama laughed looking around the room. Hafsa and Hanifa had just come from home they would be sleeping here tonight. Mama has being staying with me lately she needs to go home and rest.

"MashaAllah this was so nice of everyone" I smiled.

"Ayeesha" mama called my name.

"Na'am Mama"

"I will not let you go to your husbands when you leave here."

"Where do you want me to go mama I can't stay in your house I feel ashamed like I failed as a wife people will talk asin it will look like I got pregnant for someone else"

"So what Ayeesha?"

"Mama Fati also told me that if I run away she will hunt me and get me kidnapped or killed the day they married those were her first words to me and I've been scared ever since"

"You can go to aunty Sumayas house in London till you've had your baby only baba and Hafsa da Halima da Ibrahim zasu sani and I'll beg Hanifa to escort you but no one can know especially someone in His family. Baba suggested it yesterday in case you brought it up he knows his daughter" She smiled at the last sentence before looking intently at me.

"Ok mama" was all I could say.

"I'm so sorry Ayeesha" Mama sobbed quietly rubbing my hand.

"Please mama for what don't cry none of it is your fault. Qadr"

"I just can't believe any of my daughters went through all of this" she sighed loudly shaking her head.

"Only Allah knew he never burdens a person more than they can handle and we need to trust him I will keep praying and continue to fight thought these struggles for Allah for me for my baby and for you mama" I kissed her hand and smiled tears forming in my eyes too. 

"I am so proud of you MashaAllah Alhamdulillah for everything Ayeesha let me be on my way sai gobe da rana zan zo ko bari indan huta tun da kin samu sauki abi( till tomorrow afternoon before I come let me go and rest since your feeling better)" mama said kissing my forehead and getting up.

"Ba damwa mama sai gobe ah huta lafiya"

"Allah Hafiz"

"Allah hafiz" she opened the door to go out but I stopped her.

"Mama wait" I called out.

"Yes what"

"Please I want fura da nono tomorrow da masara (corn)" I smiled and she hissed laughing.

"I will see what I can do" she went out quietly.


I picked up my phone and there were five texts from Hussain. Oh finally he remembers me it's a miracle.... Alhamdulillah maybe I should throw a party. Note my sarcasm.

●Uncle H: Where the heck are you?
●baba wants to see both of us why did you run away
●are you alright reply me now Ayeesha!!!
●Ayeesha if you don't reply me today you will regret knowing me!
●your time is ticking.

Inalillahi I can't believe this......

He doesn't even care what happened to me???

See how he's talking like someone who is trying to kill me abi my kidnapper ne...

Oh Allah what did I do to deserve this...

Is this my life now for real?
I'm running from my own husband. I thought our love was perfect after all I did for him this is how I'm repaid. Wallahi I don't know where I went wrong ..... ni jikan Hamza rayuwa na Kenan? (Me granddaughter of Hamza is this my life).

Slowly tears slipped out of my eyes luckily Hanifa and Hafsa will not come in till after 3 hours. I cried out silently calling upon the name of my creator. I did my sallah I recited and read my Qur'an as I begged for help. Who am I to question Allah?

I'm not going to do this anymore.... damn this was what I said last time with my baby. But I need to move on if Allah destined for me to be with Hussain we'll be together. But I need space and I don't think I can endure anymore pain. I was done with Hussain for now.

Let me just go to this London  have this hysterecty... whatever and deliver my baby one time. Look for a job And start a new life.

You know how we roll naw...



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