Ch.24|A child.

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I was sitting way at the back with Jabbar, Hassan, Fati, and Hadiza. Asin Hadiza Ayeesha's friend.

"Let me go and meet my squad ina zuwa" Hadiza said getting up.

"Ah ah masu squad" Fati teased.

"See you infact come I'll introduce you" She held Fati's hand and they walked towards the table where all members of their girl "squad" were.

"Mannn be careful you are not even sly didn't it occur to you that your wife is going to be here" Hassan asked with his british accent.

"Well yes and so what?" I asked.

"Bloody hell he's lost his senses" Hassan said dramtically throwing his hands up in the air.

"I think Hussain has got this Hassan and what will she possibly do its not like she hasn't seen him ye..." I quickly cut him off.

"She has seen me how?" I demanded and Hassan chuckled and hit my back.

"Yup he's sure got this" Hassan smirked sipping his cocktail.

"I went to get a drink and she was there so we greeted naw and I told her I was here with you cause she asked where I left you then I showed her where we were sitting" He shrugged also taking his drink.

"You are mad Oh My Allah" I face palmed myself.

"You know your wife is free and great at conversations so I was just enjoying our little chat" He shrugged and I glared at him.

"Stay away from her" I seethed.

"Stay away from Fati" he retorted.

"Why? its not like you are dating her"

"But your married and I introduced you to her so back off or you won't be happy"

" bullshit I'm not scared of you"

"Fuck you then I'm leaving sef" Jabbir got up told Hassan bye and left. Hassan burst out laughing immediately he left.

"You guys are too funny and I did tell you that this friend of yours is bad news" Hassan shrugged. Hassan and I have been friends since before we could talk.

"Anyway forget this shit how's your wife and your daughter" I asked.

"She's great and I still feel bad about missing your wedding"

"Fash its no biggy" I shrugged.

"So how's your wife I've only seen pictures she's very beautiful and from the way Tahir, Jabbir, and Jabbar talk about her she seems like great company"

"Yeah she is I'll introduce you to her before we leave" I turned to look at Ayeesha and she was smiling and all the attention was on her.

"So why Fati" Hassan asked.

"I don't know I just like her like she understands me and she knows when to shut up but Ayeesha talks so much that's the only thing that she has that Ayeesha doesn't."

"So you want to make your wife miserable by marrying another woman cause she knows when to be quiet do you know how stupid that kinda sounds..... you should try talking to Ayeesha about the talking"

"I will but I actually like Fati and so does my mom and currently my mom and I are finally getting on better terms because of Fati I've never upset my mum although I did it for Ayeesha I can't help but still feel bad."

"Damn Nigga but happy wife happy life your going to make Ayeesha a bit miserable and probably mad"

"I can make things work"

"Suit yourself and oh Hadiza is coming back"

"Where is Jabbir?" Hadiza asked and Ayeesha was on the phone behind her.

"He left and is that your wife Hussain?" Hassan asked.

(A few Arabic words now😉)

"Asalamu Alaykum masa'ou al khayr (good evening)" Ayeesha greeted Hassan.

"Wa'alaykum salam masa'ou al noor you must be Ayeesha Hussain's wife I'm Hassan"

"Oh Hassan I've heard a bit about you"

"Great kayfa haluk (how are you)"

"Alhamdullilah Ana bkhyar shukran wa anta?"

"Alhamdulillah ana bkhyr"

"MashaAllah" I was totally dumbfounded I didn't even know she could speak Arabic like that.

"Min ayna anta? (Where are you from?)" he asked.

"Ana min Nigeria actually born and raised in Dubai though wa anta?"

"Ana min London"


"You speak arabic very nicely your accent is amazing MashaAllah" Hassan complimented making me a bit jealous.

"Jazakallah you're not so bad yourself" she joked and Hassan chuckled and I noticed that Hadiza had disappeared.

"Anyway yasourouni liqa'ouki (nice to meet you)" Ayeesha said flashing a smile.

"Yasourouni liqa'ouki too" he smirked and she chuckled.

"When will you come over so I can even show you my great arab cuisine" she smirked back.

"Hahaha soon In Shaa Allah I'll come for iftaar if it works with you"

"In sha Allah No problem"

"It was really good to meet the famous queen of Hussain's heart" he glanced at me and I sent him a small glare. She just shrugged and chuckled, sitting on the arm of my chair. I wrapped my arm around her waist possessively and I felt her flinch a bit. Why would she flinch at my touch??

"Well Hadiza pulled me here to meet you and it was nice meeting you I think I'll go back now" she said patting my shoulder.

"Oh no problem salam"

"Wa'daan araka qariban"

"Wa'daan araka qariban" he chuckled back and she winked before leaving.

"I'm guessing you didn't know she could speak arabic that well" Hassan asked turning to smirk at me.


"Your wife is Beautiful MashaAllah she's intelligent and from what I hear she cooks great food. She's lovely to everyone and there are some amazing things about her that you're yet to discover don't you want to spend your whole life knowing every little thing about just her? You want to make her feel sad instead and have her share you with some girl that cake out of nowhere because she knows when to shut her damn mouth! Make better choices man you think like a fucking child!"

Hassan's words hit me like a blow not because they were true but because he has never spoken to me in that manner before. I wasn't ready for that confrontation yet!

I stayed at the party one more hour before heading home. Ayeesha said she'll be right behind me her and Armani were going to get lamb chops from somewhere. Women can sha eat!


Boring small sorry ko💕
It'll be berra next time InshaAl


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