Ch.27|Fed up!

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It's been 3 days and I'm running out of patience with this Fati babe. She's been asking me to do things for her, flirting with Hussain, har she's insulting me....the audacity of girls nowadays. Some people have 2 wives or more and they live in peace so why can't we??? Why is my own life so complicated Oh Allah. I've been staying in my room only coming out when it's time to eat or to go to work. I stopped cooking the day Fati came.

It doesn't help that Ramadan has begun and I have to eat privately. No one knows I'm pregnant and pregnant women don't fast as to not risk their babies health. I thought I would be able to fast but the Doctor doesn't recommend it and has even put me on a diet.

"Please pass me the maggi" I told Ceaser as I helped him cook for budai baki. Today tahir and jabbir were coming, I was having guest and I didn't want them suspecting something was wrong. Fatima was too lazy to help out and I didn't even want her in my kitchen especially when I'm in it.

I don't even understand. Hussain has more than enough money to get her, her own house why does she have to live here? I don't like her being around.

"Hey Ayeesha" Fati said coming into the kitchen I guess she's back from work. Whenever Hussain was not around she acted nice, I on the other hand was never rude to her!

"Ina wuni Fati ya aiki" I replied not sparing her a glance.

"Lafiya you are back early"

"Yes I leave work earlier during Ramadan to help cook speaking of azumi ya kishin ruwa" I smiled looking at her and she chuckled.

"Hmm mun Gode Allah sha let me go and rest before it's time to break fast ko"

"Toh no problem" she left the kitchen and I rolled my eyes making Ceaser laugh. Ceaser knew how she was and he's like a good friend to me. All she does is open her mouth to eat and never says thank you.

I heard Hussain come in from work and I quickly checked the time. 2 hours till iftar I have enough time I left the kitchen to greet him.

"Asalmu alaykum Uncle H" I greeted.

"Wa'alaykum salaam Barbie how are you" he smiled at me and I returned it with a half smile. He's a bit nicer to me these days but that does nothing to ease the pain in my heart. Sometimes I felt there was hope and other times, well....

"I'm fine thank you how about you" he kissed my forehead then sat down with a huge sigh.

"Tired af" he muttered and I chuckled.

"Ya kishin ruwa" he also chuckled at this, is it that no one has ever asked them that???

"Your so weird I'm going to shower and pray before coming down for ifrar where is Fati"

"Ok no problem she's upstairs in the room"

"Ok toh sannu da aiki ko only women can fast for so long and then enter kitchen to cook plenty food and still not be able to eat" I laughed and shook my head walking to.


"MashaAllah Ayeesha You are really a great cook asin you need to make this rice for me" Tahir said eating away and I chuckled while Fati kept rolling her eyes. Jealous much?

"TabarakAllah thank you No problem during this Ramadan inna sake yi zan sa ah tura maka ko (if I make it again I'll make sure they send it to you)" I smiled at him.

"Send for me too oh" Jabbir chimed in making us laugh.

"Ba matsala(No problem)" I chuckled.

"If you can send everything on this table ma send ni kadai zan chi(only me will eat)" Jabbir bragged.

"Trust you ai all you know is food" Fati teased.

"You people want to turn my wife into your Ramadan cook ko" Hussain started.

"If she's willing" jabbir smirked and Hussain gave him a death glare making him laugh more. Tahir just shook his head and mumbled something.

"She's willing oh take her sef" Fati stated making me raise my eyebrows.

"Oh really and If I leave who will cook for you?" I retorted with a smile on my face. She had a shocked expression on her face that quickly changed to an angry one.

I wanted her to feel even a bit of hurt! Nothing compared to how I was feeling but just a bit!

"She'll cook of course" Hussain scoffed telling me in a duh tone. I laughed so hard they were all looking at me crazy I couldn't even control myself. Eventually jabbir and tahir were laughing at me sef.

"What's funny?" Hussain asked.

"She can not cook bata ma iya indomie ba abi has she ever cooked for you?" I laughed not caring what I was saying.

"Must you tell the whole world?" fati asked and I scoffed. Tahir looked shocked and jabbir of course broke into laughter.

"Ah this is family, love it's just play! ku chi ku koshi o no fight no argument" I said smiling at everyone.

I for don open her nyash on this table now if no be say na Ramadan.


I was really shocked at dinner today and the thing is still bothering me. Fati can not cook!!! Ayeesha was never one to tell a lie even as a joke and the sincerity in her voice when she said it and the genuine laughter after it! Hm.
Fatima sold herself out when she said "must you tell the whole world?."

Few times she had given me food that she supposedly cooked but I guess not. I hate lies!

"Fatima so you can not cook?" I asked as she laid down.

"I'm willing to learn" she said simply.

"You said you're not into any chores or any work that would stress you. After using the bathroom yesterday you left water everywhere and then you can't cook as well? Apart from business is there anything else you're good at?"

"Not really but I'm good in bed" Innalillahi, I told myself I was used to her boldness but who was I kidding? There was no sense of modesty whatsoever and every time I sense bad qualities I still love her like I drank some love potion. I shook my head and chuckled.

"Your really something sha I'm coming" I said getting of the bed.

"Ok" she said turning to her phone.

I went to Ayeesha's room and found her sitting on her praying mat rubbing her stomach. She looked so peaceful but troubled at the same time. She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't notice me come in.

"Baby" I said softly sitting next to her.

"Hussain is is something wrong?" she looked confused.

"No just came to see you is your stomach hurting and is something worrying you" no matter how much this woman annoys me and how much I love Fati more than her I still care about her.

"No no it's not and I'm fine just ..just day dreaming" she smiled. I can't help but think she's pregnant and man I don't want that.

"Oh ok toh so honestly Fati can not cook o" she laughed and laid her head on my lap and I played with her hair.

"If you want I can teach her"

"If she will agree ba" we both chuckled.

We talked and gisted for about an hour before I tucked Ayeesha to bed I kissed her forehead and went out.

1k reads!!!!
I love you all so much....
If I was not so lazy I'll give you like 10 updates rn!!

Y'all deserve some Accolades!!!


Madam Fati can not cook ko can u imagine da duk bakin tah even indomie .... lollll

And Ayeesha and Hussain can be sooo cute!😍😍🥺 Hussain why are you doing this to us naw????


~Lots of love 💗

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