Ch.30|Fatis pov

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Thank God that idiot has gone and that witch craft I did for this Hussain is working. Honestly I'm glad Ayeesha is gone now hopefully she's even dead somewhere! Oh Allah help me to have Hussain to myself, and help him fall madly in love with me. Today I spoke to my dad and he thinks Hussain loves me genuinely. That's what I wanted him to think, it means whatever I'm doing is working.

My mom died a while ago but not like everybody knows, I'm also the only child of my parents. My Dad married again but he divorced her because I always complained about her. Don't get me wrong sweethearts she was amazing but I just didn't like her. So therefore I got her out of my father's house!

I made Hussain think that Ayeesha stole some of his money and ran away. Little did he know the money is with me and he just beat the bitch up. I sent her a text last night to come and get all her stuff or I will burn it. At first I didn't want her to leave because I knew Hussain loved her and maybe the pain of her leaving would clear everything I had done.

Allah she shops a lot maybe I should even go and take some of her stuff. Not the ones she has worn of course but there is a quite a few that still have the tags and all. No matter how much I hate her she has great fashion sense and I have to give that to her.

Nah, I have hussains's money so she can keep her clothes I'll buy new designers.

"Kai Garba zan pita ( you Garba im going out) you and the maids go and remove that woman's clothes from Oga's room before I come back so you have 3 hours only ka ji niko( you've heard me right)" I scolded Garba.

"Ba damwa madam bari mu fara yanzu ( No problem madam we'll start now ) " He squirmed and ran in quickly.

I'm going out with my best friend from Uni, Adam. Adam is the only one that knows my plan with Hussain. I love him so much, even wanted to marry him but baba said no. Adam used to smoke and Baba didn't want that so he forbid me from being close friends with him ma. But oh well to hell with what baba wants.

"Adam" I tapped his back as I found where he was sitting in tulip bistro waiting for me.

"Oh My love" he turned getting up and we hugged and he kissed my cheek.

"I missed you so much" I said as we sat down.

"I missed you more how have you been?"

"I've been good Alhamdulillah what about you"

"Toh Alive Alhamdulillah but I feel better now that I've seen you" he winked making me roll my eyes and chuckle.

"How's your mum"

"She's good how's baba"

"He's there ba"

"How's your plan going?" before I could answer we were interrupted by a waiter.

"Good day welcome to tulip bistro what may I offer you" we ordered the same thing and the man did a small bow before leaving.

"So as I was saying how's the plan with Hussain going." Adam asked.

"Well it's going great actually Ayeesha is out of the house and he loves me now and hates her"

"Are you serious so that baba lawo or witch craft or wizard you went too all the way back in Jos his juju works"

"Yup very well ma" just then my phone started ringing it was Garba from the house. "Let me take this" I told Adam to be polite.

"No p" he shrugged and just then the food came.

"Salam Garba any problem?" I asked.

"She came ma and packed her kaya and she took her cars" he said.

"Toh ba damwa" I cut the call before he could say anything.

"So what did he say" Adam asked cutting his chicken.

"Oh I gave the yeye girl a chance to come and pack her kaya and she even had the guys to take her cars all three of them I believe can you imagine"

"Ay toh she needs her car and she bought 2 of them so gara ta douka (better for her to take it)"

"Toh abeg leave that one let me eat" I said taking up my fork.

After eating we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I stopped at the donut factory and bought 3 boxes, Hussain really likes them and I need to keep him happy.

Ayeesha was right!! This babe was doing juju all along! 😩 I don't even know what kind of deliverance or beating this girl needs. How can someone be so wicked??

Please oh

ME I NO WICKED 😩😂 just support me.


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