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I heard a soft knock on my door and groaned. "Come in" I called out. A small looking Ayeesha walked in with a big bright pink hijab on and her Qur'an.

"Time for fajr" she said quietly putting her mat where she saw mine laying.

"Ok I'm coming" I went in to the bathroom to do wuhdu.

I came back and we prayed together. It was one of the best feelings ever leading my wife in prayer. I folded my mat and went to lie down again to get more sleep cause I was extremely tired. She was still reading her Qur'an for a bit then she got up and was about to leave but the door was too strong for her to open. I kept watching her intently I didn't want to do anything else but look at her.

"Just lay down here anjima sai ki koma dakin ki (later you can go back to your room)" I said because I'm too tired too get up now.

"Ok" she mumbled and kept her mat next to mine she took off her hijab revealing her really long black hair. She quickly packed her hair and lay at the edge of the bed.

"Your going to fall off this bed if you lie down like that." She shyly moved but just a bit I chuckled.

" listen to me Ayeesha" she nodded her head so I continued " I'm not going to touch you till your are ready okay? Even though your very tempting I'm just being honest! I won't force anything on you so don't run away for me. We should get to be close and know each other and I'll give time for that. Ki kwanta da kyau ki yi batchin ki  (lie down well and sleep) do you understand?" I finished looking at her.

She nodded her head and laid down properly. I smiled and turned the other way and slept. She's really beautiful I never really noticed till yesterday. I don't really like the idea of her modeling so somebody will steal my wife from me but I didn't say anything.



I got up around the same time as Hussain. We greeted then he smiled at me making me get butterflies I blushed. "Here let me open the door for you" he said getting up and opening the door. I picked up my prayer mat and left to my room.

I took a quick shower then prayed. I wore a long blue dress with puffy sleeves and matching head tie. I put powder, kohl, and lip gloss and headed downstairs.

As I got downstairs the doorbell rang as if they knew I had just come down.It was Binta and Hauwa, Hussain two younger sisters. Jamila is the oldest who doesn't like me so no surprise that she is not here.

" amarya'n mu" Binta said hugging me after we greeted and I chuckled pulling her in for a hug.

"Mama sent us to bring you guys breakfast if you need anything else call us please" Hauwa said.

"Allah sarki Thank you. I will call her to thank her. You guys won't stay and eat with us.?" I asked.

"No haba don't worry another time InshaAllah the driver is waiting for us" Hauwa said smiling.

"Toh see you later InshaAllah " I said and walked them out.

I set the table and decided to wait for Hussein before eating.

"Your sisters came and brought breakfast do you want some?" I asked him.

"Oh Okay yes please. After breakfast we're going to see my parents then my uncle and we'll come home. Tomorrow we'll see your own parents"

"InshaAllah" I replied.

While we were at his parents his dad wasn't around, He had left for Kaduna around 7 this morning. After the hectic wedding he has already left for a trip. After greeting Umma the girls pulled me to their room. We talked about my boutique and possible things we could do together now.

Jummai is the first born in the family. She's 35 and has 3 kids. Arif, yusuf, and saima.

Then there's Bashir who is 32 and married also with 2 kids. Hajara and fariha.

Then there's Hussain who is 27 and just married.

After Hussain is Jabar who is 25.

Then Binta who is 23 and engaged she's getting married in 7 months time.

Then lastly Hauwa who is 19 and in her last year of Uni at Dubai. She's currently on holiday and will be going back in 5 months. They were 6 in total with 5 grandkids.

" maybe when we do all what we can do here you can ask Yaya if we can escort Hauwa to school and I'll buy my wedding things then" Binta said beaming at me.

"Wallahi that sounds great please ask him and we'll also ask them Ammah maybe next month we'll start pleading" Hauwa said. I chuckled.

"That sounds amazing I haven't been there in so long" I said smiling at the girls They just laughed and I shrugged.

" so when will we start our bonding time here" Binta asked.

" how about i pick you guys up on my way to work on Monday next week then we can chill together but you will help me" I said and they squealed and said yes then Hussain came in.

"Babe let's go please" he said coming into the room. The girls wiggled their eyebrows at me, what? Is it not just babe he said. I mumbled an okay and got up to get my bag and scarf.

"Yaya don yanzu kana da Mata you will not talk to us ko" Hauwa said pouting and I chuckled.

"What's my business with you ma" he replied.

"Leave her with us then pick her after maghrib mana"

"No we have to go and see uncle mukhtar.  Yanzu kina so ki sata Mata na ko" he said with his hands on his waist. Binta and I were just laughing at them.

"Sannu meh Mata" she rolled her eyes and walked us out.

" wait wait" Binta said reaching us before we got into the car. She raised her phone up. "Salapi" she shouted and we laughed.

"Please send it to me ko" I said and hugged them bye.


After our visits I made dinner and after eating I retired to bed.

I know  a bit shorter than usual. Your writer is lazy.



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