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Armani left two weeks ago and I miss her like mad! She left me with Hussain and our ignoring matter has reduced. I met "his" fati at Anna's dinner, she was even wearing a top from my fashion line. She was nice to me and I returned the politeness. As the days went by Hussain and her became closer, just a couple days ago she was here for lunch. I took my time to prepare her favorite dessert and be hospitable, she was a guest. I kept Hanifah updated at every step of the way, she thought I was really stupid but that my heart was made of gold! She warned me about him eventually wanting to marry her and I told her it could never happen.

But I was fool to think that. Hussain told me that he's going to marry her and that stung so bad! He was acting weird not himself and he seemed to be following this Fatima like a sick puppy. Maybe she jazzed him I had thought or she really was just so much better than me.

They had taken the Kayan zance (dowry) Just last week and I cried the whole that day. Having a broken heart is the worst feeling ever! It's like having broken ribs, nobody can see it but the pain is unbearable every time you breathe. After I lost my baby I promised to be a good wife and try to be happy right? Hussain always had to complicate things.

"Did you remeber to call them Uncle Mukhtar and MR. Don considering the event" I asked Hussain as he walked into our home office.

"I forgot and I called Don he collected your number and said he'd call you" He shrugged sitting down and I sighed.

"So what's the date for the wedding?" I asked. The words tasted bitter in my mouth but they came out anyway.

"It'll be next month In shaa Allah"

"Toh I'm going to work I'll see you later please call them Uncle Mukhtar and pay for the Dstv"

"I will haba" he was sounding irritated but I don't really care how he sounds anymore. He doesn't even care how I feel.

"Alright bye take care"

"You look nice by the way Bye" he walked and kissed my forehead and I could feel it was so halfhearted. I walked out without a second glance.


"Halima I'm trying to be calm and see the brighter part of this whole crap like he is happy and despite him making me loose my own happiness doesn't mean I don't want him to be happy" I tried to explain to Halima. We were eating cakes and drinking tea at my office, I asked to come over cause I was a bit sick.

"I won't lie and say I understand what your feeling but stay strong May Allah continue to bless you. Gaskiya you're patient and nice if it was sai anyi burouba! and about the sickness I think you should take a pregnancy test honestly" she said sipping her tea.

"Trust me I'm not pregnant"

"Whatever you think and as long as this fati chick doesn't cause problems for you and she's nice be calm it's not like he divorced you and you know it's not wrong by Islam to have a second wife and even if she totally sucks still be nice to her"

"I will try wallahi and I know I know it's just that when we went to Boston he said he won't marry anyone else like didn't we just get rid of Layla? He made promises and again he's breaking them"

"Just keep praying and Allah will work everything out just have sabr (patience) and complete your duties and everything it'll be hard but you are strong and stubborn when you set your mind to things you've got this I trust you I am so sorry you have to go through this"

"In shaa Allah thank you so much"

"Oh please what are sisters for"

"How is my little baby Samira?" Halima has a 10 month old baby girl, Samira.

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