Ch.35|No hope

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I've been looking for Ayeesha for the past 2 weeks now. She's not answering my calls, she's not opening my texts, I've tried everything. I finally went to her house 4 days ago and they said she is not around and they will not tell me where she has gone.

Her father said he was very disappointed in me, and doesn't know if he can forgive me. He said that I took his daughter from him first when I married her and now she can't be with him because she's gone away because of me!

Her mother told me that it's not her decision but if it was she would never allow Ayeesha back to me. Her exact words that stung were "I am disgusted by everything about you because you let me down you broke my daughters heart and hurt her I don't know if I can ever forgive you!." Those were her last words to me then she hissed and walked away.

I haven't only hurt her but I've hurt her whole family. Even Ibrahim wouldn't tell me where she went. My last option was to go to Hanifas house one more time and ask her. So after work I decided to go.

I knocked on her door and her eyes popped open as she saw me. She took a step back.

"Salamu alaykum Ya Hussain" she said and managed a smile. I gave her a sheepish one back.

"Wa'alaykum salam Hanifa please I need to talk to you urgently."

"Umm okay come in please"

"Thank you"

"I've been looking for her hell I haven't eaten in 2 weeks or slept either Hanifa where is she please please I beg you help me" I was almost crying.

"I'm sorry Hussain but I can't tell you where she is although what I can tell you is that she needs her space from you the mere thought of you right now is scary to her she's also in pain both emotionally and physically. There's a lot on her head now. Gaskiya ka nuna mata rashin mutunchi. I suggest you let her think about things for at least a year o. If you want her back you'll do just that. If you love her you'll wait but this is the price you'll pay for what you did to her"

"What if she doesn't want me back"

"I would be so proud of her if she decided just that but she loves you and deep down I know she'll eventually want you back. you'll have to fight for her and try to prove to her that you've changed and if it still doesn't get her back to you then gaskiya you'll have to deal with it it will be your fault anyway"

"Damn Hanifa that's what your going to tell me??"

"Yes it is Ya Hussain I'm sorry but it's just the truth if Allah destined for you to be together you will be it's all in his hands"

There was a silence between us for a while and she spoke up again.

"If you really love someone you'll let them go and if they were really yours to begin with they'll surely come back... There's nothing more I can say to you but I think it's time you go now I also don't like the sight of you" she got up and started walking to the door basically kicking me out.

"Thank you Hanifa" was all I could say as I stepped out of the door.

"Allah hafiz"

"Allah hafiz"


Ammah was disappointed in me and upset that I sent Fati away. Even after I said what she did to me mama said she was doing it for my good.
Baba on the other hand was on my side he even helped me but to no avail.

"I suggest like they've all said that you give her some time to think and relax for some months or even a year" baba said to me.

"Ok baba I will try" I sighed heavily and got up to leave.

She had changed her number and blocked me there's was no way for us to track her. None of her other friends were informed about her whereabouts. Hauwa and Binta refused to speak to me and just glared at me whenever they saw me. Almost everyone hated the sight of me and if I was them I would too.


For the past few months now I've been working my butt off. I drown myself in work from morning to night I am in my office working. I spent the Late hours of the night on my mat praying and seeking forgiveness. I hardly get any sleep, I ate once a day because food tasted bland to me I just wanted Ayeeshas food, once in a while my friends pushed me to hang out with them.

That's my life now....

Poor Hussain :(



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