Ch.43|So beautiful

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Furniture has been set in and now it's time for....

-Arranging food into the kitchen
-Unpacking clothes into the closet
-Hanging pictures (We went to take family photos the other day)

I believe that's basically it really. I wanted to get a maid but they're quite expensive. Hussain suggested that we work on bringing Maryam and Anita here. It's not such a bad idea actually.

The house was big and comfortable and I just loved it. There was a garden outside so we put swings, a sandbox, and a trampoline for Nour. We had a nice pool at the back and a small bar out there and a grill as well.

Moving houses in a limited amount of time was hard! The last two weeks have been hectic but good, packing and organizing is something that I've always found therapeutic anyway. Hussain picked Nour up from school everyday and sometimes they would go out and do different things. The 2 Friday's they've been together Hussain took him to the mosque with him and he came back home talking so excitedly about it. I was over the moon with joy that day!

It's good that he now has his father who can take him to the masjid and also teach him. These past years I watch online videos on how to teach and also just from my own knowledge I teach Nour. There was no Islamic school close to the house so I had to do most of the teaching me and Zaky (online).

Hussain organized a spa date for me 2 days ago and I really needed it! One thing I'm definitely doing whenever I go back to Nigeria is guaranteed jiki for at LEAST three days!!! My skin was pampered and we had lunch at a really nice place after. I had a great time.

I got my car a week ago it was a silver Mercedes Benz A class and Nour loved it! Every time we got into the car he would be so exited and I wonder why.


"Na gaji oh Allah (I'm so tired)" I grumbled to no one in particular as I folded my last trouser into the wardrobe.

Thankfully Nour was very helpful in the kitchen so we finished fast. Now he's fast asleep in his new bedroom, I couldn't help but take him a picture. Hussain was downstairs cooking dinner so I did the walk in closet arranging my clothes and His!!!

"Ayeesha Ayeesha!!!!" I heard Hussain shouting from downstairs. I groaned in frustration rubbing my head.

"Ina zuwa" I shouted back. I quickly wore my slippers and put a scarf loosely on my head.

"What" I said as I reached the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" He asked smiling and I glared at him. He knows what he did, using cooking as an excuse to leave all that work for me.

"You should wake Nour up to come and eat"


"Well you are the only other person in the kitchen"

"Hussain Mohammed don't try me fah you dumped work on me now you're giving me sass" he burst out laughing and picked me up.

"Let me down Hussain pleaseee" I screamed wiggling my legs in the air. Hussain kept laughing at me before he finally dropped my on the kitchen Island.

"Naughty boy" I glared at Hussain playfully and he chuckled leaning closer to me.

He trapped me between his arms and kissed me. All my anger had evaporated and we had forgotten about dinner or calling Nour down even.

"Mommy" I heard Nours voice calling for me his tiny feet slapping against the tiled floor. I quickly pushed Hussain off and jumped of the island.

"Hey Nour you're awake come" I put my hands out and he jumped into my arms.

"Mallam Yakake" Hussain said rubbing his head.

"I'm hungry" Nour replied and put his hands out for Hussain to carry him. Hussain looked at me and winked I rolled my eyes and put my head down smiling.

I'm sure my cheeks were red! Curse my complexion.

I quickly dished out the food and sat Nour on the kitchen Island. Hussain and I sat on the stools. I fed Nour while Hussain joked around with him.

I love my 2 babies very much.

After we had finished eating we prayed Isha and then watched a few episodes of Mickey Mouse. Well Hussain and I were working but pretending to watch and be interested. At 8:20 I tucked Nour in bed and read him a story. When I realized he was sleeping I switched off the TV and ran out.

While I was running I bumped into Hussain and we burst into laughter.

"Why are running?" He asked.

"I don't even know let's go to bed" I replied trying to stop laughing.

After I had a shower I laid in bed waiting for Hussain to finish up.

"Imagine if Nour had seen us how would we explain what was happening?" Hussain asked laughing and I couldn't help but laugh too.

"How would we erase the memory out of his mind?" I asked.

"How would we explain kissing" he asked and smirked.

"Or why your hands were in my shirt"

"Or why—" I cut him off with a kiss and when he pulled out we burst into laughter for no reason.

"Imagine if he now went to school and tried to kiss someone random girl astagfirullah!" I exclaimed.

"Mm that would be bad. No more spontaneousness when he's home or close to waking up" I laughed "definitely!"

"They will teach them these things soon enough in school"

"The white school? They'll also tell him it's okay to have a crush" Hussain said and hissed.

We talked for a while longer about Nours school and the things he may be exposed to here. I didn't think deep into it at first but now again I remember why I wanted my child to grow up in Nigeria.

It's okay to have a crush? Our mothers will just crush us. Ya Allah keep him cleansed and pure from all evil and shaytaan.

"Maybe we should just stay in Nigeria when we go?" I joked.

"Kina hauka ko? (You are mad right?)" Hussain scoffed and I laughed turning my face the other way to sleep.

After much thought and of course a lot of pressure from Hussain and my family members I've agreed to go. In 2 weeks time we will heading to Nigeria and I am so excited! I will be staying with my parents because I don't want to go back to my house.

The last time I was there I went to pack my stuff and the time before that I was beat up and I bled on the front porch. I don't want to walk back into my expression room and be reminded of all the shit I went through! My emotion and pain is clear In that room and I don't need it opening up old wounds. I don't want to walk into my bedroom and by mistake smell Fatima's perfume or cream. I am just not in the mood for any of that. If I went back in there I would sent the house on fire.

I have seen overtime that you can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the old one. I'm currently rewriting my story and it is so beautiful MashaAllah!



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