Ch.22|Layla's Pov

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"Umma honestly because of that Aysha abi Ayeesha girl he kicked me out! Literally fah" I explained to my mom but she only glared at me.

"Dama you didn't like him at first ko you didn't want the marriage so you've gotten what you want" She seethed at me.

"No Umma I actually liked him"

"Too late no going back they'll think were desperate your going to marry your cousin Nabil in maiduguri that's final and you'll be his first wife only exception is if you can find a suitable man in two weeks you can marry him"

"But Umma I don—" she immediately cut me off.

"Who cares what you want? its done get out of my sight please"

I quickly left to my room not sparing her a second glance. I was actually hiding at my friend Ummi's house before Umma went to visit her own mum and here I am. I got like 3 slaps that day.

Who the heck does this woman think she is?? At my age she slapped me. I don't want to stay in this house anymore under these stupid rules. Baba doesn't talk to me even and as an only child I have no siblings to talk too. I felt alone in my own home and I didn't even know where to start my life from. Hussain humiliated me and broke my heart because of that wife of his. What does she have that I don't have?

"Salam Ummi" I greeted over the phone.

"Salam baby ya aka yi" she answered.

"Muje (lets go 'to') dunes for croissants yau (today) I need someone to talk too"

"Tohm what time should I pick you up"

"I'm ready now"

"Toh gani zuwa"

"Thanks bye bye"

"Yeah bye"

I wore a blue and pink long off shoulder dress and decided to leave my hair open. I picked up and my bag and sunglasses and went to tell Umma I was heading out.

"In kin so ma karki dawo" she hissed at me and went to the kitchen. I shrugged and went out to the gate not like I wasn't expecting that kind of reply.

"Asalamu alaykum Miss" A young guy greeted me.

"Wa'alaykum salam Good afternoon can I help you?" I replied politely.

"Yes I used to be your neighbour back in maiduguri we used to steal mangoes from Mama Binta" he said smiling.

"Oh My Allah Abubakar" to say I was shocked would be an understatement! We were so naughty as kids and I used to say he was an ugly boy but DAMNNN!! I was so wrong.

"Hi Layla" he chuckled with a wave, then we hugged.

"Ha ah you've become a blown guy fah" I smirked looking at him.

"Look at you the small Layla has finally blossomed beautifully MashaAllah " he smiled and I blushed profusely. Ummi's car pulled up just then.

"Thank you, my friend is here I was just going out it was really great seeing you" I beamed.

"Wallahi umm... ok let me give you my number so we can keep in touch"

"Ok" we swapped phones to exchange numbers.

"Have you moved to Abuja?" I asked.

"For now but I actually stay in Kano"

"O ok toh bye We'll talk It was nice seeing you fah"

"Same here bye bye" he went into his Hot red Sports car and sped off. Kai this guy should agree to marry me in two weeks!

"So who is the hot cake" Ummi wiggled her eyebrows as I opened the car.

I told Ummi about him. We sat at the table outside eating and I told her everything Umma decided. She advised me and told me everything I wanted to hear and that's why I loved her. After a while we got up and left I don't need any more lectures for coming home late.

I'm going to keep talking to Abubakar this one week. Oh Allah let something work out for me for once in my life!

I just wanted y'all to know how madam Layla was coping. You'll hear later whether she married or not!



~Kisses x

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