Ch.19|Party Planning

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A/N There will be quite a few lists in this chapter!!
Please comment.

Hussain's birthday is tomorrow and he wants to have a barbecue. He just gave me money and won't tell me what he wants in the barbecue which is very frustrating. All I know is he wants family and he's own squad. Of course my friends are allowed to come but not more 40 people.

I told elegantebyleema to make my top since my designer was busy. I wanted a baby pink double sleeved peplum rap top. I wanted to change twice even though it wasn't my birthday but whatever.

The other was a white t-shirt Hussain got us. Mine said "My hubby is older Alhamdulillah #BestBooEver" while his said "My wife planned the party #BestBaeEver." I had a good laugh when I saw the shirts, I told him he was cheesy and he rolled his eyes.

I called Hafsa and Binta to come over and help me out today. They would sleepover as there was so much to do, then leave the day after the party so they can help with clean up. It was a party for everyone 16 and above no little kiddies, I don't think it would make any difference if the kids were present or absent though. Anyway not my party!

Today we need too

1. Call the gardeners to clear out the garden

2. Buy party cups, paper plates, popcorn packs,plastic cutlery, and napkins.

3. Get the popcorn and Ice cream machine taken to the house from my office.

4. Grocery shopping because everything would be homemade.

6. Drop a reminder for the cake.

7. Send the Dj his deposit and the mai gashi and photographer as well

8. Get the tables and chairs arranged outside.

9. Collect t-shirts and mugs for souvenirs

10. There were a few games to set up as well.

Tomorrow will be much more busier so I had to do things today to reduce the workload.

"So what will be barbecued tomorrow so I have a list since I'm doing meat" Binta asked as we were on our way to shoprite. Today I'm not driving I called my driver.

"Beef and chicken sausages, buy those small fishes, Chicken strips, burger meat, and also buy like beef not only for barbecue other stuff ma, buy like 8 full chickens any other thing you see that will be good buy. I paid for a full cow and one ram so the mai gashi will prepare that today and just bring today. I also sent him 10 fat chickens" I told her as I was trying to find the receipt for the cake.

"Hmm ok" Binta replied.

"What do I buy?" Hafsa asked smiling i couldn't help but chuckle at her excitement. She has always loved to be involved in things.

"The paper plates, cups, napkins, you get ba also buy those small cake sparklers and cake toppers find sprinkles" I told her.

"Great then what will you buy?"Hafsa asked and Binta looked at me nodding.

"Burger bread, hot dog bread, ketchup, mustard, chocolate and stawberry syrup and honey and cupcake cups" I smiled.

"What about drinks?" Binta asked?

"Na ma manta thank you for reminding me we'll buy that together then" I said face palming myself.

"What about the fruits and vegetables da kayan miya" Hafsa asked.

"I sent Nana and Mama's assistant cook to the market for those one-" I was interrupted by the sound of my ringtone. It was Hussain

"Salam" I quickly said.

"Wifey how are you" he asked.

"I'm fine what about you"

"I'm good"

"Any problem?" I asked a bit worried,

"No I just missed you and wanted to know what your doing"

"I miss you too I'm going to shoprite with Binta and Hafsa"

"Toh I'm going to the gym this evening I'll be back like an hour after Maghrib"

"Uncle H" A new name I started calling him.

"Yes baby" I bit my lip before replying in a low voice.

"Send me a picture ko" he chuckled and I rolled my eyes like he could see me.

"Of course ok I have a meeting talk to you later"

"O ok love you Allah hafiz"

"Love you too Allah hafiz"

The girls wiggled their eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes. We went in and began our shopping. I asked the driver and my "body guard" to come in with us so they would help with the bags.

After we finished we stopped At mama's place to get the food stuff, and whatever Nana bought. I stopped at Leemas place to collect my top then drop the cake reminder.

On our way back home I sent the deposits and also picked up the souvenirs.

The t-shirts were only for Hafsa, Binta, Jamila (yes she's coming and was warned to leave me alone), Hanifa, Ib, Bashir, Halima, Jabbar, Abdul, and Tahir.

They were black with white writing saying "Baby Hussain is older!." Courtesy of none other than Barbie! Me!!

I will be so dead when he see's the shirts but oh well.

Our guest list looked like this...

Halima's husband
Jarai (Hussain's cousin)
Aunty Saratu
Uncle Mukhtar
Uncle Nasiru
Aunty Hadiza
Saima (A family friend)

I wrote this down to tick who came and who didn't. 22 guests exactly, we didn't invite the parents. There'd be a lunch with my parents and his tomorrow at blu cabbana on me!

"MashaAllah Halilu you did a great job and my flowers!!" I squealed looking at my garden. I gave him his 25k cash and started arranging the table and chairs.

Its only now I'm noticing how big this garden is. By the long glass doors leading to the garden there was like a long porch. We put 4 tables there for food and drinks. I covered them with a black and white polka dot table cloth. I hung the party lights up and put 4 dustbins around, the last thing I want is trash everywhere or people going in and out of the house in the name of dustbin.

I got the popcorn machine out and put it next to the food table. We put a small canopy with the ice cream machine and a table. Tomorrow I'll put crunched up oreos, maltesers, Haribos, biscuit sticks, whipped cream, sprinkles, and syrups in containers. So we can kinda have an ice cream bar kind of thing.

I got 5 ushers from my place to come and help out tomorrow with serving and other stuff because it'd be too much for us. "Ok lets go to bed" I told the girls as I hung the last light up.

"Gladly" Hafsa said yawning.

Just a filler chapter🥴



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