Ch.37|life changed

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I finally got used to my life here properly. My baby boy has grown beautifully we've been taking non stop pictures. He keeps saying daddy but to no one in particular really.

Nour is now 11 months and next month we'll be celebrating his first birthday InshaAllah!!! I got a job, as I said when he was 9 months and it was a great one Alhamdulillah. I manage sales and inventory for a fashion house, I also attend to certain clients. I was very excited when I got it and luckily for me I brought my CV and everything with me.

My colleagues are very nice and friendly. I work from 9 to 4 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays. I don't work on Friday and Saturday, Tuesday's and Thursdays I work from 8 to 2.

I should be working till 6 but my boss said not until my baby turns 1. She has 3 kids of her own and says I need to be around my son at this time. She's very strict most times but is a kind woman deep down.

Nour refused to sleep last night he was very hyper the whole night, he wanted us to dance and I was so tired. Now that I'm getting ready for work he's fast asleep though and thank God!!Aunty Sumaya hired a nanny for him since Hafsa has lectures most days. The nanny, Vasha is very loving and my boy likes her so that was good.

She's always reading something to him or teaching him something and it's hardly baby like. But its educational. At first I wanted to complain but left her Always reading newspaper to him or teaching him alphabets and numbers when he can't even speak properly.

I lost all my baby fat and I look beautiful again! I wore a loose white shirt with a long straight green skirt. I wore a headscarf that matched my skirt and brown heels.

I did my makeup and picked up my bag trying not to make a noise. Vasha was already here so I sent her up to Nour and left for work.


"A promotion?" I asked my boss as she called me to her office and we were talking.

"Yes you are extremely skilled and have an amazing business mind I think you need a better place that can maybe even challenge you I would say. Your a bright young lady Ayeesha very smart" she commended me.

"Thank you very much Ma'am"

"You can sew I mean your ideas and designs are unique not to mention your perfect finishing! You know what's trending and what best suits a models body or anyone's body for that matter. You have great fashion sense yourself. And when you were asked to write that article about this place you killed it! You know what's good for a magazine and all that you need a bigger job"

"MashaAllah but what are you trying to say miss that I should get another Job?"

"No Ayeesha I'm giving you another Job... A friend of mine is big in the fashion industry she works with a magazine and models! I got you two options for a job at her place"

"Oh Allah That's great news thank you so much please what are the options?"

"So eager to leave me yes?" She chuckled.

"No haba" I chuckled then realized what I just said.

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry it's a Nigerian thing" I shrugged and she nodded.

"Well your first option is her personal Assistant but that means a lot of traveling and working long long hours but there will be 2 of you" I nodded.

"What's the other position?"

"Co manager you manage the business when she's not around you could also be a Personal assistant to her at that position but more to the main manager that includes some traveling some late nights too"

"Wow those are really good options I don't know what to choose"

When she told me the salary is get paid I felt like I was in a dream. It was about 3,000 pounds a month and that's a lot!

"You have one week to make your decision Mrs. Mohammed choose wisely but they are both very good job choices and I'm proud of you! I've never worked with someone with such potential to get such a promotion in a matter of months"

"Thank you so much Alhamdulliah" was all I could say I was beyond excited.

"You can go now have a good evening"

"Um thank you, you too ma'am"

I told them Aunty Sumaya and everyone at home and they were so excited for me I also called my parents and they said their both good positions and they were proud of me.

I was thinking about taking the Co manager so that I wouldn't be away from my baby as much. It also pays well and I think will be good for me. It has more responsibilities and challenges for me I mean managing that place!!! I would get to supervise all the work and do a few of the designs as well it would be great!

Tomorrow is Friday and I have the day off. Aaliyah also isn't working so we decided to all go to the park for a picnic. Nour, Hafsa, Aaliyah, Sam and me.


"Gani an nan (see me here) Hafsa" I shouted as we played a mini football game.

"Mami" Nour whined grabbing my leg and I quickly picked him up.

"Yes chu chu" My mum used to call Ibrahim that when he was a baby so I started calling my Nour that. He just started crying.

"Aww who beat my baby Aunty Sam right?" I asked spinning him in my arms.

"An..any Swam" He said crying a bit less now and we all chuckled.

"Aww Nourie bear you said my name" Sam clapped and he also clapped still crying. I don't understand this boy honestly.

"Ji mani Nour dinan fah Me that I'm staying in the house with you you can not even say my name but your saying sams name ko" Aaliyah said folding her arms.

Nour could say mommy, Daddy, any Hawsa, mama (aunty sumaya), and Any swam now. But he just called Aaliyah "Any."

"Yayi maki kyau where does he even know you from? (Its good for you )" Hafsa laughed and Aaliyah chucked the ball at her. They're always fighting over who is closer to the baby.

"Say Aaliyah chu chu A-l-i-y-a" I sounded to him.

"Mami" he shook his head

"Batchi yake ji (he's feeling sleepy) My baby is sleepy right Anta muttaeb(You are tired: in Arabic) yeah Nour?" I rocked him sitting down.

"Allah sarki let's go ma he's had a long day" Aaliyah said getting up. We folded our mat cleared up our snacks and took our balls and games.

Nour slept off on my lap from the park all the way back to the house. I let him sleep then after maghrib I woke him up to eat. He also needed a nice warm bath.

"Bubble bath yay!! Tashi mu yi bubble bath" I cooed coaxing him to bath.

Everyone here spoke English to him except Hafsa and I. I speak Hausa and Arabic to him most of the time while Hafsa speaks Hausa to him, I have a feeling he'll mix them up when he can talk properly.

Aww baby Nour is just the cutest!! MashaAllah! Who wants to disagree?

And what Job do you think Ayeesha should Take?

What language should Nour know first. Me wallahi I think he should learn English please!

If Hussain was with them they'd make the cutest family ever. Homagad They will be so cute!! But serves him right.

Anyway me and my plenty surutu ko😅😅

You know I love you guys much much! More than 6k reads in 2 months!!!! I'm so happy and grateful.




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