Ch.15|New friend/ Enemy?

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Today was the day Layla came to this house. My house.

Ammah was a two faced wicked woman. That was just the truth. After being so kind to me and encouraging me after my miscarriage, she's now insulting me. She's only nice to Layla, her exact words over the phone were,

"Be nice to Layla give her what she wants bana son shashanchi naki. Layla is now our Amarya not you that can not bear children" I didn't cry I only ignored that statement because my husband and I were fine so her opinions were invalid to me.

I greeted her and called her to check on the family. I sent food to her house. I brushed of all her mean bullets (words) to me. At this point in my life My heart is bullet proof!

Layla came and we had lunch together which was quite awkward, unfortunately for me Hussain went out after lunch. I was watching tv and I decided to check on her. She's actually nice and quite shy not rude or demanding at me. If she tries any nonsense I will kick her out of my house with lighting speed.

"Oh my Allah Layla why are you crying" I grabbed the tissue box on the table before plopping down beside her.

"This is a forced marriage not even arranged marriage I don't want to marry your husband. How can I marry another womans husband? Every girl dreams of her wedding amd perfect marriage so why can't I have my dream. Mama threatened to disown me if I don't go through with this. Baba slaps me I can't even go back to that house" She cried into my chest as I held her.

"Please don't cry. We'll work through this together the three of us kinji? I will talk to Hussain and we'll come up with a plan in shaa Allah and maybe you can stay here a bit longer I'll ask Hussain. We'll keep each other company you can go to work with me or what do you want to learn?"

"Thank you so much Ayeesha. I want to learn makeup"

"Great There's a place right next to my shop my friend owns it. We'll go out together and come back at the same time is that ok?"

"Yes yes it is. Thank you so much" we hugged each other as she wiped her face.

"Ok today is Friday my off day so let's go and bake the cook will make lunch" She quickly changed into a long dress with short sleeves. She packed her hair and we went downstairs together.

"Ok what do you want to bake?" I asked as we went through a recipe book.

"How about chocolate fingers with a caramel dip" She beamed and I chuckled. She was 2 years younger than me and I thought it was quite unfair that her first marriage would be to a married man.

"Sure then we can make Hussain a boring vanilla caramel cake?" We burst out laughing.

"What are you making for lunch Mr. Ceaser?" I asked the cook as I was getting the ingredients for our baking. He lived in Italy with a great job till he got fired, It was one big misunderstanding, so after he lost his job as a cook he returned to Nigeria. He worked for a few people but we were the only ones that paid him "what he deserved," as he said.

"Pasta with meatballs, then fruit salad and a chicken salad ma'am" He Replied focusing on his meatballs.

"Sounds good we'll do dessert. Ceaser this is Layla she'll be staying with us for a while. And Layla this is ceaser the cook and my new friend even" I smiled.

"Nice to meet you" Layla said and we got to baking.

We went out to the swing on the patio to have our dessert. We talked about a lot of stuff then Hussain came. He eyes widened in shock when he saw the two of us sitting and laughing together and I don't blame him.

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