Ch.41| At the park.

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I didn't realize that I hadn't finished writing the other chapter before I updated😅 I've completed it now please go back and read, just the end. That's if you read it yesterday😅

"Well Hussain uhm Hanifa explained to me everything that happened so I understand. when you beat me up I was pregnant. Nour is My son... our son Hussain he is Nour Mohammed." I paused to see his expression he was shocked and I chuckled, "I tried to hide him from you but for how long? he recognised you from pictures on my phone and he kept calling you daddy. Plus he looks very much like both of us combined it amazes me. I've always wanted to have my kid look like me and the love of my life, there is no denying that you are still the love of my life. I'm happy though that you gave me my space for these years it's helped me think and become a better version of myself and also be very happy for quite awhile in my life.... they said I should forgive you and I thought I did But Hussain I was scared of you for all this time. Scared that you would humiliate me and beat me up again scared that my son will become just like you. Believe me I want to forgive you and for us to become like we once were but it's not that easy have you really paid enough for what you did to me? I also don't want to leave London I've become very successful in my own right here and nour has adapted to life here and it's just too much—"

I finished off not knowing what else to add and he was just looking at me with tears pooling his eyes. "What more do I need to do please Ayeesha tell me I will do anything please let me make you happy again and love you again like I should have please habibti" He said again.

"I will move back to London for you it will even be better to start afresh in a new place please give me one more chance and I swear on my life that I won't let you down Wallahi"

"Let's start over"  I said softly.

"Thank you so much" I smiled back.

"I love you Ayeesha"

"I love you too" I said and my voice betrayed me by cracking.

He got up and hugged me and I hugged him back almost in tears but I fought them back. I missed him I really did and if Allah forgives who am I not to? I really took my time to think about this I'm positive I did. I spoke to my parents and my friends just family in general. And of course I prayed, I prayed hard.

"Can I meet Nour properly" Hussain asked me.

"how about tomorrow at the park next to my place?" I suggested.

"Sounds great speaking of great look at you MashaAllah"

"Well Alhamdulillah for everything you don't look bad yourself actually but you could add more weight"

We talked more before we decided to leave. He was going back to work and I was heading grocery shopping.


"So what's the plan and future for both of you as of now?" Aaliyah asked me. We were sitting in our living room drinking Moroccan tea and having cookies that I baked earlier. Nour was sitting on the floor playing with his Lego. Once in a while he turned to show me what he had made.

"Mami and anty awiya see" He showed us another one of his creations again.

"Wow MashaAllah Nour it's very nice" Aaliyah smiled and clapped for him.

"Its beautiful" I smiled at him and turned my attention back to Aaliyah.

"So InshaAllah gobe zamu hadu. We're going to meet up at the park so he will play with Nour small and like get to know each other you know ? then next tomorrow he's coming here so we can talk about what's going to happen"

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