Ch.4| comfortable

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It has been 2 weeks since we married and tomorrow were both going to work. We've gotten comfortable with each other Thank God. We even hug now and all that, don't mind my childish behaviour.

"Babe what do you want for breakfast tomorrow" I asked as I sat down next to him on the couch.

"pancakes and coffeee please" he said smiling at me.

"Okay " I said.

" I have something for you" he said getting up and picking a white bag.

"Really!! What" I squealed and he chuckled.

"Here this is for you" he handed it to me. I opened it and there was a brand new IPhone 8 and iPad.

" Oh my Allah thank you so muchhh" I jumped on him and engulfed him in a big hug.

" anything for my baby" he said and kissed my forehead making me blush so hard And he chuckled at the effect he was having on me.

" yay now I'm a big madam I have 2 phones" I said smirking and he just laughed at me.

" I want pizza let's go out and eat" he pouted.

" Ok where do you want to get pizza I want ice cream"


"You let me change"



I kept on my black shirt and wore grey jeans with my Nike sneakers and I went out. I sat in the living room waiting for her she's taking so long....girls.

"Ayeesha hurry up!!" I shouted. I'm starving.

" sorry I'm coming" she called back.

She came downstairs and coughed too announce her presence. I turned to look at her and...damn she looked effortlessly beautiful.

She was wearing a black top with white jeans and Steve Madden slides. She wore a white kimono on top and a matching CK bag.

I got a phone call once I entered food city.

"Check who is calling" I told her.

" erm..its Tahir" she said holding the phone up.

"Ok put it on speaker and hold for me please"

"Hey bro" Tahir said

"Wassup man how far " I replied.

"I dey o. The guys and I want to come and see your wifey."

"For what"

" Kai ma ka san zanyi Aure in a few months so chill" he said laughing.

"Toh you can come tonight or tomorrow afternoon"

"Toh we'll see you later today around 6 InshaAllah"

"No p bro Sai kun zo" and he cut the call after.

"What do you want me to keep for your friends" Ayeesha asked me.

" we can just buy them food and snacks since there are drinks at home " I answered her.

" what??! Why are you buying food. I'll cook when we come back and I'll bake cookies but I'll need to buy a few things for that."

"Toh on our way back we'll stop at shoprite" she nodded.

I just realized that I didn't even ask her if she was okay with them coming over, I just agreed. She was really tired earlier and now I've given her extra work. I turned to look at her she was singing along to the song playing whilst doing something on her phone. Alhamdulillah.


"Babe are you done?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Yup just need to bring out these drinks and cookies for you guys" she replied.

" are you going out like that?" I asked looking at her up and down.

" Yes did I stain my dress?" She said raising the dress to check for any stains.

"No go and wear hijab on top"

"ha ah " she just laughed. Her outfit wasnt bad she wore a long fitted ankara dress and tied her hair. Then She quickly ran upstairs for what reason I don't know.

I waited for her in the kitchen even though my friends were here. She came back in an ankara skirt and blouse. Her skirt was straight and still fitted.

" better ko" she asked and smiled.

" no"

" you want me too see your friends looking like your house girl"

"No you look fine lets go I am just playing"

She put the drinks down and greeted them. I sat down and all the while jabir was checking her out. The nerve this boy has.

" I hope this guy is treating you right?" Tahir asked her and she chuckled.

" Alhamdulillah he's trying" she said smirking at me and they all laughed.

She stayed for a bit and they were just chatting with her like long lost friends. I dont really like this, she doesn't even gist with me like this.

" let me go and set up the table for you guys sai in zaku tafi I'll come and say bye" she smiled warmly and walked off.

" brooooo your wife is too hot" Jabir said. I glared at him.

" You guys better go and find your own wife" I said curtly.

MashaAllah Ayeesha Is a great cook. After we ate they decided to go. She came down and I put my hand over her shoulder as we bade them goodbye.



There's heavy rain tonight and I'm very scared of lightening and thunder. Mama is not around for me to run to her room.

I heard a loud thunder Making me shout and run to Hussain's room. He got up and stared at me. I just stood at the door till it came again and I jumped on him. He just held me in between his arms and rocked me while laughing. After a few minutes the rain toned down I could've laid down on my own but I think we were both enjoying the close proximity.

" so you're a fear fear like this" he said smirking at me.I just clutched the pillow to my face in embarrassment and he laughed more.

" can I stay here tonight" I asked with my head down.

" you'll start sleeping here from today" it was obviously a statement I had no say in and I don't think I mind.

I laid down properly and he pulled my body to his. I buried my head in his chest and he wrapped an arm round my waist.

The feeling was amazing.



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