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I was so happy to be back in Nigeria I almost kissed the ground as we stepped out of the Jet.

Nour was wide awake and excited to be somewhere out of London for once! He looked dashing in his blue kaftan, he was matching with his daddy. I wore a pink and blue anakra top and blouse with a matching headtie. I draped a blue scarf over my top. We had Gucci accessories from watches to shoes and of course my handbag. The pilot said we looked like we came out of a magazine!

The driver picked us up immediately and we went to my house first. I was very excited as I knocked on the door , the only people that knew of our coming was Hussain's family.

Nana opened the door and immediately screamed her expression was excitement mixed with shock, I had to laugh.

"Ayeesha ta dawo" she kept jumping and screaming before she enveloped me in a big hug.

"Ya ki ke" I asked her smiling widely at her.

"Lafiya qalau Allah Sarki Hussain ban gan ka ba ku shigo wayooo Yaron mu ke nan(I didn't see you. Enter wow is this our boy?)" She picked Nour up from Hussain's hand and danced around with him. He smiled back at her and she started crying, they were tears of joy!

Mama and baba came flying down the stairs together. Baba immediately hugged me while Mama took her grandson. Hafsa also came running and hugged me too then went ahead to greet Hussain.

Baba and mama took a step back together and just smiled at us, they looked at us contentedly. My eyes were filled with unshed tears the happiness was overwhelming.

"Mama kin ga Nour and His daddy are doing anko" Hafsa chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"Is true fah Alhaji duba " This was exactly how it was the first time I twinned with Hussain.

Hussain bent down and greeted my parents. Mama smiled widely and picked him up and drew him into a big hug. Baba patted his back and we walked to the living room.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming? we would have cooked for you and everything ko ba haka ba Nour(isn't that right Nour?) " Mama complained.

"We are going to eat at Hussain's parents and I just wanted to surprise you guys" I smiled.

"Oh ok toh" she replied obviously she wasn't very pleased but she didn't want to say. This woman!

"Nour will you stay here with us?" Hafsa asked him and he nodded clapping his hands. He used to say that Aunty Hafsa was his best friend!

Mama turned to me and smiled sheepishly "please?" She asked.

"Okay Toh" I replied and then I turned my face the other way and put my head down, Hussain understood and lowered his head to my level as well "Hussain can he stay with them tonight?"

"Ah ah they just arrived let them settle and greet others mana" baba complained and shook his head making me chuckle.

"Why not ama we'll bring him back  later around 6 so that he can see them Ammah and also pack for him" he said and Mama nodded.

"Gaskiya kam so Nour I'll see you later ko" Mama picked him up and threw him in the air and he giggled excitedly.

" Hafsa dauke shi ki tafi dashi" Baba said gesturing to Nour.

"Tohm" She quickly picked him up and they left with Nour waving bye bye making everyone chuckle.

"How have things been?" Baba asked, I knew what he meant.

"Alhamdulillah" Hussain and I replied at the same time.

Mana asked for the 100th time if I was sure about my decision of getting back to Hussain. Hussain apologized to them again and gave a whole ass speech about how he has changed. They both lectured us on how marriage life had a lot to do with patience and forgiveness.

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