Ch.34|Burnt Red

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WARNING there will be a lot of POV switches!!


I noticed today that My work is clearing, Hussain asked for Ayeesha yesterday. Who is messing with me?? The wizard asked me to delete his number after I had paid him it was a deal and Adams number is not going through what am I going to do?

"Keh did you touch anything in that room when you were cleaning it" I asked one of the maids that cleans the room. I don't care what their names are.

"Ah ah madam" She shook her head and I dismissed her.

I checked all my spots and everything was in tact so what's up? I called Ayeesha too, but I think she blocked my number. What's going on Ya Allah?

If it had cleared or someone had tampered with it I was in deep shit! I had never felt this kind of fear in my life before! My heart was beating fast and felt like it would burst out of my chest. I was angry whoever was messing with me would surely pay! They would regret ever being born.


I have removed 2 of her objects already. The one in her wardrobe and the one under his pillow, now I'm waiting for Garba to do his. He said today so I'm waiting but oga come back since and he didn't say anything.

"Mallam Garba" I tapped his shoulder and he jumped and fell on the plastic chair next to his door.

"Ayoooooo" he shouted.

"You this man! Katon banza " I laughed at him.

"Keh yarinya what did you called me? Do you know me? me oga Garba" he said hitting his chest and I laughed more. Who wants to know him?

"Yes dama waye Kuma ah nan( yes before fah who else is here)" I asked rhetorically.

"Me I'm a big man oh I'm a nigga man Garba man!"

"Abeg ka bar wanan magana ( please leave this talk) did you remove it"

"Yes see it here in my room" he went inside to bring it for me.

"Ok bari inyi sauri in douka souran in kawo sai mu kone duka (Ok leave it let me quickly go and bring the rest then we'll burn all) then all the power will remove from his body" I quickly ran.

"When you came back I will be the one to scare you" he shouted.

When I came back I saw Garba with his hands in fist. "Mallam Garba any problem?" I asked.

"Boo" he shouted and I burst out laughing.

"Kin ji soro ko(you got scared right?) I know you feared" he laughed putting the things on the floor.

"Wayo Allah chiki na mallam Garba baka fa wayo(my stomach Mallam Garba you don't have sense)" I laughed clutching my stomach.

We burned everything and were looking towards the front door. From what I can remember when you do it the person comes back to his sense and notices changes. After a while things begin to make sense to him and he knows what happened. After about one hour we heard Madam Fatima's screams from inside.


I suddenly felt normal like a thorn was lifted off my chest, I felt like I now had control of my body. I grabbed my head because suddenly I saw myself getting drunk, kissing Fati, slapping Ayeesha, agreeing to marry Fati, not having Ayeesha around, and me beating Ayeesha out, so much more. My head was hurting and I couldn't help but groan as everything flashed briefly in my brain.

I quickly held my mouth cause it felt like something was torn off of it. The first thing that immediately came out of my mouth was "where is Ayeesha?"

"What did you say baby?" Fati asked quietly still looking at her phone. She didn't even notice when I grabbed my head and spinned aggressively. She didn't notice anything! How?

"Where is Ayeesha?" I repeated sternly this time standing up. She quickly sat up scared then she chuckled.

"Haba babe you threw her out and I told her to come and pack her things I have even been texting her telling her you don't want her anymore harma I told her about our event that we're having in honor of us.  I mean my love she tried to Separate us so I'm trying to make her life hell she'll regr..." I cut her off with a slap. I never imagined raising my hand to a woman but today this one deserves it. I suddenly felt bad thinking that I slapped Ayeesha. Is this who I've become?

"Pack your things and get out you have 30 minutes" I shouted.

"You must be joking I'm not going anywhere" she laughed loudly.

"Kar ki sani in mare ki Kuma(don't make me slap you again) just pack your things and leave quietly" I said calmly but firmly.

"Try it Hussain try it"

I didn't answer her I packed her clothes stuffed them into a box and brought it out to the front door.

"I've packed for you all you need to do now is walk out you have a car" I told her and sat stiffly. "Get out of my house don't make me tell you again" I shouted really loud and punched the table in front of her. She immediately got up and knelt down crying.

"Baby haba please don't do this to me" she held my leg sobbing.

"Who is your baby" I kicked her off my leg.

"Please I'll change"

"You should have thought of that since"

"Hussain please yi hakuri please please" I picked her hand up as she grabbed my leg again. I pulled her all the way out by her right hand.

"Better get up now" I said.

"Baby please" she kept bawling.

"Garba come and take her out of this house" I called.

"Ah oga o..og..oga" the fool was obviously scared. I called the soldiers and they picked her up and threw her out of the gate.

I told my driver to take her car to the office and leave it there.

Holy shit.
My wife

She's going to hate me I don't even know where to start looking for her. Could she have gone to her parents?

Fatima had jazzed me. I was jazzed. I just couldn't believe it! Innalillahi wa Ina ilayhi rajiun. Before doing anything I quickly went and performed wudu and prayed, for once since the loss of our baby I cried. Ya Allah forgive me help me find her, help her to find it in her heart to forgive me.

😩Hussain please don't cry!

Ahaha finallyyyyyyy madam is gone! I think we should throw a party🎉



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