Ch.36| Alhamdulillah

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2 months later.....


I had my baby 2 months ago and I have to say that I'm grateful to Allah that I never have to go through such pain. I passed out, had painful contractions, I cried and screamed and prayed!

I almost gave up.

After the surgery was done I didn't wake up till 3 days after. At the second day the doctors were almost convinced I wouldn't make it but doctor Jamilah had hope for me. She prayed for me all through the way. The doctors told me my baby and I were both very strong, we are fighters they had said. It was a bouncing baby boy he was healthy and was a big baby!

I named him Nour, meaning light, because he is my light he lit up my life. I love babies and honestly mine by far has to be the cutest I've ever seen. On the family group of the Hamzas I was even awarded cutest baby boy so far!!

Fatima said "I always knew you and Hussain's baby will be fine dama" and I laughed.

Aunty Sumaya and Aaliyah have been the best they've really helped me alot. Hanifa came for one week, 2 weeks ago and her and we're still trying to decide whether her or Aaliyah is the Godmother. Mama and Halima came the day I delivered but could only stay for 3 weeks, she came with Baba and Hafsa. Although Hafsa and Baba stayed only 5 days and had to go back for one reason or the other.,

Hafsa will be coming back to me next week for a year and I'm very excited! Family members put Nours picture on their dp and Instagram but I haven't. I don't want Hussain to know I was pregnant. He can know later but now I want to keep my baby to myself. If he finds out now he will be more determined to find me and I'm not ready to face him now. I've finally moved on and I'm getting happy, I don't need him to spoil that now.

I'm still quite angry and disappointed in him but if Allah forgives why can't I? Whenever I thought about everything it brought tears to my ears and my heart ache. Despite everything I craved his presence in the delivery room that day more than anything. I wanted him to whisper the Adhaan into the baby ears. I wanted to see him carrying the baby in his arms but I didn't have that and I can never that. The first two weeks of Nours arrival I smiled and cried so much, happy tears and sad tears.


Today a friend of mine from uni, Samantha is coming over for lunch. Sam was my classmate and the other day I went to buy diapers and she happened to notice me. We were pretty close back in the university.
Samantha is a year 5 class teacher at a school here in London. Today the school is on break so she's come to see me.

All my friends in my squad didn't go to the same Uni. We were just friends in secondary school, primary school or just met from others. Hanifa did American system but we tried to see each other at least every two months when we were in uni.

Aaliyah and Aunty sums go to work so I'm usually bored at home. When Nour reaches 9 months I'll look for a job maybe one that has a daycare or I'll get a nanny.


"Sam!" I Squealed as I saw her sitting in the living room waiting for me.

"Hey yeesha" she quickly got up I thought she was going to hug me but she just took nour out of my hands.

"Well I thought i was getting a hug"

"Nope I came to see the baby not you" she loves kids more than me.

"Oh really"

"Yeah of course" She looked at me and we just burst out laughing.

We talked for a bit catching up on a few stuff and planning our day basically. "So Ayeesha when are you going to start working your baby fat away"

"Soon InshaAllah I thought it would be all gone now but I seem to still be so fat " I said pulling and rubbing my stomach.

"We can go the gym together it's just 2 blocks away from you I workout in the evenings if you want to join me it's an all girls gym"

"I would love too but who will I leave my baby with it"

"It's like a mommy gym so there's someone who can hold your baby for you"

"Wow that sounds great but wait" I started laughing.

"What" she chuckled awkwardly.

"Why do you go to the mommy gym"

"Because I'm dating the instructor at the aerobics class" she winked.

"Ahhh I see is he hot?"

"Well durrrrr you should come see for yourself"

"I will" I laughed.

We talked a lot catching up on each others lives. We ate and watched our favourite romance movie from college, then we took really crazy selfies. We played card games and just enjoyed each others company it was really fun.


"Thank you so much for coming Sam I haven't had this much fun with a friend in a while" I told her as I walked her to her car.

"Actually me too I only hang with my colleagues all they do is gossip and shop and then my boyfriend when were both free"

"Oh wow well now we have eachother to get bored with" we both chuckled.

"So hopefully I'll see you at the gym day after tomorrow Yeah?"

"Of course bye love"

"Bye babe take care of my nourie bear" I laughed.

"I sure will"

As you can all see Ayeesha is finally happy!! And our cute baby is finally here I'll put up a picture of the baby soon so you guys can imagine him well!
Then three more chapters till Hussain finds her so enjoy this while it lasts ok!😈😂



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