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This is so boring.

You mumbled yourself for what felt like the millionth time. It was barely an hour into gym class and you already thought about asking your coach to be excused because you started your period. But considering you already used that excuse last week, the last thing you wanted to do was to bring unwanted attention to yourself. So like the rest of the students in tacky gym clothes, you were stuck running laps.

Of course if you wanted too you could've sprint the five laps easily, but nobody would expect the small nerd to do that. So you didn't. You even breathed heavily for the full effect. It hurt you not to smile as other students ran past you. Out of the corner of your eye you'd see some smirk at you mockingly or glance over in pity. Thinking about how you were a track star two years ago made you laugh on the inside. Keeping on a blank face, except for turning a bit red from being "out of shape".

You weren't always like this. But you became like this on your own terms. To be fair, if most teenage girls found out their father was an active hitman, they would've freaked out or call the police. You did freak out a bit but in the end you decided to pick up where he left off. You took it upon yourself to become a hitman like him. After all, you felt like that was the only way to get answers.

Ten years ago, mom passed away in a car accident. Her body was horribly severed, and they couldn't identify her if it wasn't for her spade shaped locket. The same locket, except now slightly dented, you wore because it was a protective charm.

Or at least that's what dad told you. You felt guilty about it, that in truth you couldn't remember your mom. Sometimes you get lost thinking if you ever had one ten years ago. You weren't really sure with what was true and what were lies anymore. You weren't even sure if there was ever an accident. The thought of it always being fake lingered for years, of there never being a body, and the secret funeral held. It felt like the exact moment when a child realizes their dog didn't run away to a butterfly farm. The possibility of it all being a lie your dad created without giving a reason. But no matter what, you wanted answers. And you wanted to hear your dad say what were true statements and what were tall tales.

That was until two years ago was when the police said they found you dad's body. They said he hung himself in a hotel he was staying at for work. That part was true, your dad hanging in a hotel he stayed for work. Except at the time you didn't fully understand what kind of work he was involved in. One thing that no one knew was you lived alone, after your father "committed suicide" he left practically everything in the [L/N]'s family name to you. If you wanted to, you never had to work, hell you didn't need to go to school either. You were left with your aunt from your dad's side, because you were a minor. Unsurprisingly, you never even knew you had an aunt. You didn't even know you had other relatives for that fact.

But once your aunt realized she couldn't have anything in your dad's will. Even if she was your legal guardian, she couldn't touch a single penny left to you. So instead of being an actual guardian she distracted herself with her favorite pass time. Which you found out instantly, was drinking. If there was one thing you hated more than lies, it was people who drank themselves blind. So one night you disappeared, you erased any trace of you actually living there for two months.

Once you got away you moved over two cities, created a fake legal guardian for yourself. Because the apartment name was under your guardian's, and the one who enrolled you into school was the same guardian. Of course you stated "independence" from your "guardian" once you turned 18. After that it's been a personal mission to find out who dad really was.

Even though your life was pretty much set, you didn't want that. You wanted to find out who was really your dad. People would even say you're hell bent on it. Who was really the man you had read you bed time stories, who was the man who cried at the sixth grade father and daughter dance, and the same man who left an office full of secrets and weapons behind. You wanted answers. You were determine to get them one way or another.

Because a year ago you found some answers. Those minor answers were more of hints to the actual truth if anything. A year ago you were innocent, and blissfully ignorant of who your dad really was. You could even say that a year ago was when [Y/N] died. After the funeral for dad and after the reading of the will was when you felt alone and scared for the first time in your life.

You remember that day perfectly. You couldn't stop crying. Dad was gone but your heart didn't know, so to try to fill the void that suddenly ripped into your heart. You thought staying in his office would bring some kind of closure. Instead you found a brief case filled with unmarked bills stashed behind a picture of you. You've been in his office before, countless times, but that was the first time you realized behind the picture that he hanged of you. There was a safe.

After spending hours uncovering more secrets and other hidden safes you got closer to the truth. You knew so far that your dad was a hitman, if anything he was one of the best. He was. Apparently he worked along side multiple nameless faces. He took on which ever jobs paid the most and benefitted him the most. He went by the name Jack, like a Jack of all trades. And that's it. That's all you were able to find out from his office. The same office you used to think was the most boring room in the house.

Now at that point, most kids would've dropped it. Take what their parents left and moved on. But you wanted more than what your dad left, you wanted the truth. In order to find the truth you became "Jack" yourself. But obviously people would've known the difference between a grown man's body and a teenage girl. So instead you became Ace, like Ace up the sleeve. From all you could read from your dad's files on the underground world, you practically knew who everyone was and where to go for weapons.

Now in the present you were Ace, Jack's "apprentice". After taking up a few jobs that your dad's old "clients" had, you've learned a lot more. More about the danger he faced, more about the people he knew, and more about the jobs he did. Killing someone should never be a natural skill, yet when it came to you. When you hold a gun or sprint across roof tops, it all felt natural. As if it was this other you that was waiting to come out. The Ace you was a flawless killer, an emotionless assassin. There's many other titles you've heard, but those two stuck the most.

In the underground world, basically the dangerous gang parts of the city, you were a black figure that was associated with fear. You were the ace to some gangs, and to others their worst enemy. Kind of like a superhero in ways, except a superhero would never snipe someone three buildings over for money and info. Plus you would rather died than wear a cape and tights. Maybe like a Batman with horrible morals.

But right now, you weren't Ace, you were [Y/N] [L/N]. The mute bookworm that everyone ignored. They didn't ignore you because they thought your glasses looked funny or anything stupid like that, but because they didn't even know you existed. And you wanted to keep it that way. If you had to pretend to be another nobody horrible at life, you'd fit the role perfectly.

The mini montage of your backstory and life was suddenly interrupted by the final bell. After watching a few students head into the lockers, you follow the stream of sweating zombie like teens. Gym was your last class of the day, usually you'd wait to go in last. But today you had to leave on time, you had a job waiting. After all, you became an Ace for hire.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now