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"This is it."

"You sure?"

"Positive." Jimin answered you confidently while staring down a door in front of him. While his stare burned holes into the door, you glanced around your surroundings. An unsettling feeling gripping onto your shoulders as something still wasn't adding up. Where are the security guards, isn't there a rotation march every five minutes, how come you haven't run into anyone else at all?

Jimin grabbed the door knob slowly, twisting it cautiously. Unlike the last room, you broke into, this door wasn't locked. Or maybe it was already unlocked by someone else, someone who would be expecting you two. He opened the door with more ease when he didn't feel a lock stopping him from turning the door knob fully.

It's too easy. Because it's a set up.

"Jimin don't!" You called out to him, but you knew you were to late with your warning.

Before Jimin could take another step into the room you grabbed his arm as he snapped his head back to look at you. Using all your weight to pull him back which resulted in you trading positions with him. While jerking him out of the room at the last minute, you lost your balance as one of your heels gave out. Causing you to stagger backwards into someone, who quickly put you into a head lock as you hit against their chest.

"Hey buddy, you should go of her before loose that arm." Jimin's eyes darken as every word left his mouth filled with lethal venom.

In response to Jimin's threat, you felt the arm that kept you in a chokehold tighten as an all too familiar coolness of metal pressed to the side of your head. Not particularly being fond of chokeholds or being held at gun point. You pointlessly clawed one hand, aside from the other hand death gripping your clutch, into the black suit forearm that was playing chicken with Jimin as it crushingly constricted around your neck.

"I fucking said let go-"

"Now Jimin, no need for profanities." The familiar deep voice of Kang told Jimin from inside the office interrupting Jimin mid rage. The bodyguard holding you hostage at this point now,  took a few cautious steps back into the room, pulling you along as he moves to the side to let Jimin speak to Kang himself.

"Jimin, could you close the door behind you. I want to talk, professionally of course." Kang told him as he sat comfortably behind his massive desk, pouring himself a shot of whiskey as he fills the glass to the brim. The way Kang carried himself was the same way a chess player would act when they've gotten an opponent cornered. Smug, over confident, and a smidge hint of already relishing in the soon to come victory. That attitude alone was enough reason for Jimin to jump across the desk and strangle the old man blue. The only thing keeping Jimin grounded in place was the gun nuzzled against the side of your head.

Slamming the door behind him, Jimin shot a death glare at Kang while spitting out, "Fuck you, and fuck your professionalism."

"Calm down Jimin, wouldn't what you to lose your head before your friend does." Kang gestured over to you with a raise of his glass as he leisurely slipped at the translucent amber liquid.

Jimin kept sparing you concerned glances as his edgy act started to slip up. "Talk then." Were the last words Jimin spat out before the murderous potential in his voice soften on your behalf. You wanted to say something to him, or give him some reassurance that you weren't in any immediate danger. But then again, a gun to your head wasn't ideal so you just kept quiet, waiting for a chance to change the game back into your favor. If you were lucky enough for like that opportunity to ever present itself.

"I'm not thrilled exactly about you kids snooping around my house. Especially since right now I should be celebrating with my wife for my daughter's birthday. That being said, I'm feeling somewhat a little more merciful than usual. So Jimin, what's more important to you, your friend or the notebook?" Kang rose a single brow while asking Jimin.

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