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"Jungkook, run." Was the last words you said before stumbling off the edge.

Plummeting down the fall off the cliff, you somehow didn't hit against the rocks jutting out the side by some miracle. But the feeling of your back breaking the water surface racked waves of overpowered pain, sinking into the water deeper as the river began carrying you.

You gasped as your face barely broke the surface of the dark water that kept threatening to swallow you back. You started to suck in air before the current dragged you under the raging river once more, knocking you against the ridged rocks that jutted out at the bottom. Thankfully the river was below negative, giving you some minor form of relief as it numbed the gun shot. But it didn't really help with your body getting thrashed around in the pitch black river.

Keeping one hand pressed over the freshly torn rips of your clothes and flesh, you used your other arm to push you through the surface once more. Breeching the water wasn't any better as ripples and waves pushed and slapped against your head.

Nearly making you impaired as you struggled to grasp what direction you were facing and blurring your vision. Except your vision's state was just a result of the blood loss you were suffering.

You kicked your legs in a circular motion in a vain attempt to suspend your head above the water. Before you had a chance to steady your breathing, you nearly swallowed a gallon of the river as a wave crashed down on you. Knocking you back under, you felt yourself give out as your strength couldn't stand a chance against the violent currents.

It was then you had the final thoughts of, Is this how I die? Right before darkness swallowed you whole again.

Your state was weak enough for even panic to barely effect you as you continued being treated like rag doll trapped in a broken washing machine. You hated the way the water was dark, it felt like the pitch blackness of it wasn't water. Yet, something else metaphorical for the way the darkness kept smothering and drowning you. The same way a child feels terrified when a blackout happens and the lights give out, enveloping them in complete unexpected darkness.

You just hoped you'd be the only death toll. Even in your final minutes, before your brain started to strangled itself in loss of oxygen. You prayed that someway, somehow, Jungkook would be safe. If it wasn't for a fact you were on your last breath of air you held inside your lungs, you would've scoffed at yourself. Finding some irony of worrying about the boys as you're being swept away to your death bed.

Or at least that's what you thought.

Smacking against a large rock that stuck out of the water and divided the middle. You were sent out of the currents pull, ending being washed up onto a gravel shore. The small irregularly shaped stones and rocks prickled as they stabbed into you while you threw up water out from your lungs. But you'd prefer these pebbles of mild pain over the back breaking excruciating blows you were taking earlier. Gasping once again for precious inhales of air, you dropped your weight ton lead body against the gravel. Numbed to the impact against your chest as your lungs were still on fire.

After gasping like a fish out of water, your body began to warm up, as it did a tear of pain ripped through your abdomen as you felt blood seep into the irregular gaps below you. You couldn't feel your feet as they we still stuck out into the water. Pushing yourself up, you cried out in pain as you felt the bullet wound deteriorate further. Locks of wet hair stuck to your face as you continued to drag yourself out of the water. A bitter metallic taste exploded over your tongue as you bite deeper into your lip to muffle your screams.

Weakling crawling on your hands and knees, you kept pushing yourself more onto the land. Caving into the wounds demands, you put all your weight onto one elbow as your other hand returned to apply pressure. Dragging your knees through the gravel, you ignored the scraps and jabs against the rocks. Until your heart stopped, causing you to freeze in place when you hear a pair of feet running through the gravel.

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