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20 minutes.

That's how long you've been trying to pry the slim metal cuff off of your right wrist.

"What the hell kind of kinky bullshit is this?" You asked with venom filling your tone.

Another voice cuts in, this one more cherry sounding. "Well we were all worried when Jungkook said you were a flight risk," You shot a glare at Jungkook but he already turned away, lips pressed as if he was innocently whistling while finding the ceiling more interesting than your directed murder glare, "So I made this tracker. It's nothing personal, it's just until we feel comfortable enough you trust that you won't run or try to hurt us."

"That sounds like its for personal reasons- that's exactly personal!" BTS, a group of boys that dreams of being a big time gang. Was literally six grown toddlers plus one rabbit. You couldn't be anymore furious with the crappiest hand you've ever been dealt with. Although you were livid and furiously twisting the bracelet around your wrist. A few members laughed finding an ironic humor in the fact that, Ace a.k.a. Deadliest Hitma- Hitwoman since Jack's "disappearance", was in front of them trying to pry her tracker off using her teeth.

Jungkook's voice suddenly adds in "[Y/N] Noona, please understand it's just-"

"Noona? How old do you think I am?" You cut him off while you're having a mini tantrum. But who could really blame you. You were literally cuffed and tracked by a group of guys you barely knew, let alone wanted to know. Which now occur to you that you couldn't go straight home. Not with the tracker at least.

Pinkie spoke up in a disturbingly calming voice, "Let's do some introductions first. Because we all your know your real name, I feel it's only fair you know ours." He said giving RM a quick side glance. "I'm Seokjin, but please just call me Jin. I'm the oldest here so naturally I try to do my best as their Hyung." From his oddly professionally done introduction, attitude, and tone, you mentally noted how he probably ran with another gang before BTS. For starters, he was the only one besides RM who knew what they were risking and getting involved with. You mentally noted it so later on you could look into that possibility.

You calmed down a bit, for some reason Jin was extremely calming and pleasant to you. But you decided to stay standing, so they would have to look up at you and you could keep looking down at them.

"Well, I'm RM-"

"Nope. Say your real name, buddy." You said crossing your arms and tapping your fingers against your arms.

Letting out a sigh laced with slight frustration, "I'm Namjoon, the leader of BTS. Also the brains." He finished with a slightly forced dimple smile, while turning his head a bit to crack a stiff neck bone.

The red hair ball of sunshine then spoke up, "I'm your hope, J-Hope!" You recalled back to when you called them grown toddlers. J-Hope brightly gleams at you with a smile that was probably brighter than your future. "But my real names Hoseok, but you can also just call me Hobi if you want too. Like Joonie said, I'm the group's hacker." He smiled warmly at you before nudging the black haired guy next to him. Who until now, was asleep the whole time. How he slept through a majority of important events that just happen didn't phase you at this point. The only one you really looked out for at this point was just RM, considering he could change your fate on a dime.

"Suga. Genius." Was all he muttered before looking away from you. Keeping his crossed arms glued to his chest.

Before you could yell at him for his real name too, another voice interrupted. "Hi! I'm V, or you can also call me Taehyung." Tae said leaning forward over the table. Flashing you a cute boxy smile and peace signs with both hands. Or maybe he was just making Vs because of his name, you thought. "But you probably know that already from Kookie."

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now