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Popping your head up, you scoped out the area before going back down onto one knee. Nodding at Namjoon he made his way back over to the doorframe, looking out before giving you an 'ok' hand sign.

Both of you cautiously step out into hall before dashing towards any sign of the nearest exit. Namjoon mumbled something to himself that you only caught part of, "A member missing" Putting two and two together that whoever that guy was earlier, was probably watching you guys raid from a distance, it wouldn't be a surprise if he was his gang's flag bearer.

"Check that way!" You heard a feminine voice yell out from the top of the stairs were you were heading. As more shadows filled in you and Namjoon instantly backtracked, running for what had to be the cat and mouse chase turning into an infinite maze of circles.

"We're going to be hunted down like dogs at this rate. And if daybreak happens while we're still here, no killing rule expires and we'll be in serious shit." You grumbled as you jumped over the guard rail of a staircase as a short cut, Namjoon following in suit but stumbling a bit. Noticing compared to your graceful agility that Namjoon had some sort of clumsiness traced in his movements, as if he was a kid who shazamed into an adult body that has yet to fully control how to move around longer limbs and such.

Picking up speed, Namjoon began to pass you as he grabbed your hand to haul your ass along with him, his long strides threatening to leave your corgi sized legs in comparison behind. "We'll get out of here before then. Worst case I can distract while you make a run for it, find the others and-"

Gripping his hand, you dug your nails into his skin as a warning, "Not a chance, the gang's still a zero if you only minus one. Plus you are not doing whatever that Daniel guy did to his gang, we just need a chance to figure out something." Or anything at this rate.

Namjoon let go of your hand, pulling you out of your thoughts as you skid to stop as he ran over to a door. He inspected the door before testing the door handle, which barely budged seeing as it was locked obviously, "Steel door, has a lock, no mini built in door window. If we could bunker down for a minute or two, that'd be a good chance as any to plan something."

Pulling a bobby pin out from your ponytail, you've made the small metals a necessity after they proved useful when you broke into Kang's room, you dropped onto one knee as you unbent the pin with your teeth.

Getting to work, you snapped the pin into two and began picking the lock. As you worked you started hearing distant voices again, as you were about to take your eyes off the lock, you heard Namjoon whisper. "Don't panic, you got this." Inhaling deeply you nodded to him and yourself as you kept your nimble fingers steady. After a few trials and errors of hitting the wrong pin locks, you heard a loud click followed with the ease of fully turning the lock with your makeshift lockpick kit.

Nearly ripping the door open, you slip inside first quickly scoping out the darken room before pulling Namjoon inside. Gently closing the door with both hands, you heard the door softly click close as you turned the lock on it.

"Move back." Listing to Namjoon, you step away from the door, watching as Namjoon seemingly pulled an overfilled storage rack out of nowhere. Pushing it against the door he huffed a bit as he felt around the wall for a light, "That should buy us time if they find us holed up in here." He explained as he finally hit the light switch.

Turning around you're met with isles of storage racks filled with various supplies and boxes stacked against walls, "Not for long." As the words left your mouth, Namjoon turned to you before taking in the room as well.

"Is this?" Namjoon started.

Finishing his sentence you answered with, "Their supply room."

"Something's bound to be our escape in here." You kept going on, walking over to one side of the room. "I'll check things out from over here, can you cover the other side?"

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now