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Hobi hesitated for another second as he went over how much he should say. Tapping his foot against the ground out of a fidgeting habit. He took another deep inhale through his somewhat clenched teeth, finding enough strength to face himself.

"To my dad, I was always a threat to him. He lived in constant paranoia that my sister and I would take over as head of the gang. To ensure his power and position, he'd take any chance to find an excuse to abuse us or make an "accident" happen. But no matter what, I always tried to protect my mom and sister from him. They were the only ones who gave me enough strength to smile through most of the pain."

A faint smile found a way upon his lips as he reminisces in the only happiness in his childhood. But it instantly extinguished when a dark looked crossed his eyes. Causing his eyes to flinch as an end came to those memories.

"He hated me so much, the strongest kind of hatred that make him take anyone I ever cared about or love away from me. Even if it meant hurting his family, he'd do anything to save himself. So one day, my mom picked my sister and me up from dance classes, at the time I made a friend so my mom offered him a ride home. Except we never made it to his home, we didn't even make it out of the parking lot before another car crashed into us from the side.

"I remember telling my friend to sit on the passenger side in the car, because the other side's seatbelt wouldn't click into the buckle. I wanted him to sit there because it was worried he wouldn't be safe in any other spot. The car hit us from the passenger side, it was meant for me, but instead it killed my only friend and left my sister in critical condition." Hobi turned his head away from you suddenly, you could see from his side profile that he was struggling to keep his composure.

Hoseok took another sharp breath through his teeth. You felt him squeeze around your hand almost painfully as the car crash replayed in his head. Holding your breath, you ignored the crushing constriction around your hand, out of sympathy of him. If he was able to smile despite all the darkness lurking behind it, then you could feign strength to be someone he could depend on right now.

Figuring that you're the first and only person he's sharing and confession all of this to. In the moment you knew that he needed your hand more than you did.

As if your thoughts mentally pinched him, he flinched in awareness before pulling his hand away from yours. Looking back at you in slight shook, realizing how he was nearly ripping your hand off subconsciously.

Before he could say sorry, you shook your head a bit, "My hand's fine. But Hobi if it's too much you don't have to continue." Guilt started to seep into you about it, you knew you wanted to understand, but you didn't want him to have been pressured into telling you about the darkest of his past demons.

You knew you should've been treating this situation like ripping one huge childhood trauma band aid off, but instead you wanted to let him be the one to do that. At least if he was ready too. Deep down you couldn't forced your hand in someone else's choice again, like you did with Hyuna.

Shaking his head, he finished collecting himself, "If I don't talk about now, I don't think I'll ever have the confidence to talk about again. I need to face this." He held his hands together this time before reopening the wounds he tried to stitch together himself over time.

"I remember my mom telling me to run away. Even with blood running down the side of her head, she only worried about me and kept telling me to run. At the time, I couldn't understand why, but then I realized later on it was because if my dad found out I emerged from the accident scratch free. It would only make future incidents deadlier and put more people around me at risk. So I ran, I climbed out of the smashed car door and ran.

"My friend's body was mistaken for me. My dad believes that I died in that car accident. The fact that his other child was left in coma was just a cherry on top for him. I couldn't protect them, I couldn't even save my own friend. Even now I still can't see my own sister, I get scared I'll cause more suffering to my mom and sister. All I can do is donate money to her pay off her hospital bills through hacking, and that's still not enough for everything she's going through because of me. The worst part is, it's been long enough that I can't remember what they look like anymore.

"The fact that you were sent this photo and card only means because of me, they'll start suffering again. All because of me dancing, they'll get pulled into the cross fire again." Hobi put his face into both of his hands in agony. Reliving the accident as if the vicious cycle was about to repeat itself.

You stared at him, your hand hovering over his back. Unsure if you should give him space or comfort him in his time of pain. Taking it on yourself to be the person he needed the most. You shoot up from your sitting position and walked in front of him.

He slowly moved his hands away. Staring at your boots for a while before trailing his eyes up to meet yours. Once he looked at you, you held your hand out to him. Softening your eyes at his redden ones, you smiled reassuringly before saying, "Let's go Hobi."

Clearly struck with confusion, Hobi still took your hand. A small sniffle came from him as he asked, "Let's go where?"

You easily pulled him up from his spot, using your weight as you leaned back a bit since his frame was bigger than yours. Still holding his hand gently, you told him, "I'm taking you to see your sister."

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now