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"Look [Y/n], maybe I'll dump my emotional baggage on you some other time, just not right now for the sake of this mission. I'm sorry for being an ass," You raised an eyebrow at him, which made him cut himself off before adding, "And for making this mission harder on you."

Whatever was going on between him and Kang was still effecting him. You could tell by the way he dug his nails into the heel of his palms. Little crescent moons littered his skin in various shades of bruised crimson, threatening to break through to stressed skin. Also he kept raking him fingers through his hair, you saw a few strands of his faded silver and black rooted hairs fall onto his suit or twirl to the ground.

Jimin gnawed onto the corner of his plump bottom lip, letting out a loud sigh he asked the million dollar question, "So we cool?"

"Yeah, we're cool."  You delicately ran the backs of your fingers against the sets of your bottom lashes. Wiping and drying out the last of the salty tears that you were carefully held back from spilling. Jimin stopped your hand, taking a hold of your attention, "Wait, what's your definition of cool?"

"The urge to beat the shit out of you has been temporarily postponed." You pulled your hand out of his grip. As you retracted it from him, you reached out to him again. Quickly brushing with the back of your hand, the stress shed fallen strands of faded dyed hairs that littered the front of suit ensemble. After you felt satisfied with how cleaner it looked, you re-crossed your arms comfortably over your chest.

"God [Y/n], you just can't keep your hands off me." One corner of Jimin's lips perked into a familiar lazy smirk. You rolled your eyes at him. Bipolar was the first thought that popped up. You could tell him was slipping back into himself, but he was doing it forcibly. Considering how blood was faintly being drawn out from the crescents he was digging into his hands. Oddly enough, you'd take this Jimin over pent up piss baby Jimin any time of day. Not that you wanted a flirty Jimin constantly annoying you.

"This ice, that you are standing on, Jimin." You talked to him as you pointed to the ground around him between your two body's, "It's still very thin." You pinched your finger and thumb together in front of him, showing him that he was still on your bad side no matter how "cool" you two were. "Eventually, some point in time tonight, I've earned a right to a purse dumping session." Saying purse dumping in a nice way of really telling him that he owed you an explanation for all the shit he's been putting you through.

Jimin was taken back for a split second before reluctantly agreeing, "We get through tonight, consider me giving you a purse dumping a promise then." He caught on easily what you meant by purse dumping. Once you both got that unspoken promise out of the way, he jerked his head towards the right direction. Closing yourself up less defensibly, your tight gripped locked crossed arms slowly undid themselves until they were at your sides.

"You should do that more often [Y/n]." Jimin tells you, but you can't help but hear a small confession in his statement. "I've never really seen you, get mad like that."

"Really? Never?" You asked each word out with heavy sarcasm.

"You were a different kind of mad. More vocal about your feelings mad, if that makes any sense."

"I guess? It's been a weird month for me." You reluctantly responded with, hoping if the two of you never speak about your emotionally stressed fueled outburst it would eventually fade away from both your memories. Taking the hint in your tone, he dropped the conversation, sending you a few glances your way before focusing on himself.

After an awkward five minutes, give or take, of walking Jimin halted in front of a pair of beautifully crafted white wooden doors. "Master bedroom." Jimin told you, sparing you a small over the shoulder glance before reaching for the handle. He jerked and jiggled the handle a few times, after every opening attempt was foil by the unmoving knob. Jimin turned to you, "I think it's lock."

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