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"S-Stay away." A clearly shaken voice yelled at you.

You saw the same petite figure try to go in for another shove, but smoothly used the back of your hand to direct the push else where.

The only reason you could think why you weren't ripping their arm off instead of easily deflecting their small assaults was the person wasn't a threat to you. You didn't feel like you were being put into a life or death moment, so your killer instincts didn't kick in. Like when you ran into the alleyway to save Jimin and Jungkook.

As of recently you were improving extremely on restraining Ace and your killer instincts. If someone childishly shoved you like this a month ago, they would've regret even thinking about putting a hand on you.

You watched in blank confusion as the "attacker" was a feeble grown woman. Although she looked considerably aged by the wrinkles pressed into her face and the streaks of gray highlighting her short lengthen hair, she couldn't have been a day over 40. Yet her aging was barely hindering her natural beauty. She reminded you of your dad, someone who wasn't being age by time, but by stress.

"H-He sent you didn't he?" The woman asked her choppily panicked question, as her voice quivered in clueless fear. She stood defensibly in front of the hospital door. "He already took one child from me- but he's- you're not taking her either." She told you with a clear shake of distress in her tone. Yet regardless, she was willing to fight you with the bouquet of flowers in her other hand to keep you away.

"I'm not particularly fond of killing defenseless hospitalize girls Ms. Jung. Especially those related to my group member." You told her honestly, causing her to drop her defensive position, and turning her expression into blank confusion written across her face.

"I didn't bring any flowers with me, but I believe you'll like the other gift I left inside a lot more." You took a couple of steps back from her to show that you weren't here to hurt her. In case she thought you'd be a coward and attack her from behind while she opened the door.

Even though you stepped away, she still cautiously squinted as you as her hand struggle to find the door handle without looking. Her trembling hand missed the handle a few times before her knuckles hit against it. Once she found it she opened the door while stepping back with it. But as soon as she turned her head around, her arms dropped to her side in shock.

Hearing the soft thud of the bouquet landing roughly against the plastic tiled floors. You watched as she covered her mouth with both hands before running deeper into the room. Walking up to the door you picked the flowers up gingerly. Brushing off the side of the pastel blue and purple flowers carefully to avoid anymore petals to loosen and fall out. You did so before stepping inside as you closed the door behind you.

The aggressively protective mother you saw a minute ago was now on the floor with Hobi, he was hugging her as she wailed loudly into his chest while hugging him tightly. Without a sound, you walked around the other side of his sister's bed to set the flowers next to her on the night stand.

Catching a small glance at his sister, your breath halted suddenly as you saw how beautiful she was. You couldn't help but think it ran in Hobi's family to just be effortlessly good looking without trying. You mentally caught yourself in mid thought, asking yourself if you just thought Hobi was handsome.

You had mini flashbacks and snippets of your memories from earlier, when Hobi got his confidence and fire back. Halfheartedly you admitted reluctantly to yourself that he was kind of hot when he was all 'hell have no fury like a ray of sunshine turning all dom'.

Instantly scrubbing that thought away, you turned your attention back to the two emotional Jungs as Hobi slowly helped his mother stand back up. As you did, you met Hobi's brightly lit eyes that overflowed with gratefulness directed to you. Not used to that particular look, you hesitantly averted your eyes while a light flush dusted your cheeks, causing Hobi to laugh innocently at your reaction.

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