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"Absolutely not."

"[Y/n], pleaseeee. Pretty please, if you at least try it I'll love you forever."

"You already do, so what's your point."

"Yeah, but come on [Y/n]," In most cases, a deep voiced man would never be able to successfully use puppy dog eyes without sending you into a cringe coma. Yet, most deep voice men weren't Taehyung. "You know I never ask you for anything."

Groaning while painfully hitting your back against the stiff bolt auditorium seating, because you keep forgetting it doesn't lean back in the slightest. You huffed as you averted your facing direction elsewhere, "But asking me to be Romeo is still a pretty big ask, even if you don't ask me for anything ever."

Tae, who took up the torch as play director as soon as the festival idea on, even though you strongly believe he should act instead. But then again you didn't have any artistic credentials yourself so who were you to deprive Tae of his director's beret.

Yet now you had some faint regret as Tae swore you were the only one fit to be Romeo since all the other girls were having difficulties auditioning for the role. Mostly bad acting and minorly because they just wanted to be "closer" to the play's "Juliet." Who unsurprisingly was played being played by Jimin.

So over the course of 24 hours, Tae became a director for a festival play, Jimin is now soon to be Juliet, your teacher has mentally left the steering wheel as he's letting all of this be a break from him doing his actual job; and now you're apparently the only female body that's fit to be Romeo since you're not doing it to get with Jimin and your acting is pretty exceptional considering the Ace and now Queen acts you've been doing.

You just couldn't stop asking how the fuck did you all go from interrogating a handful of boys into pissing themselves to hosting a school play with your gang members.

Maybe it was the sudden way you were thrown back into being a "student", because then it wouldn't all be that bad. Just some minor readjusting back into this role since you've been active in the underground for so long you forgotten about being a high schooler.

It's just you didn't want the main role, you felt more comfortable with some attention being shed onto you. But not a whole ass main role by a long shot of spotlight attention is what you were ready for.

Pulled back by the playful patting against your knees from Tae as he winked while telling you, "Think about it, for now we'll just do none main characters scene practice." Rising up from his spot, Tae skipped down the matted down velvet stairs as he headed to the stage where other students idly stood around with script books in hand.

Somehow that sounded like I didn't have a choice. Resting back, or more accurately hitting your head against the stiff hard seat you kept forgetting sucked absolute ass, you found yourself halfheartedly convincing yourself to just do it so Tae doesn't forever hold this over for you.

As you watch Tae bounce his way onto the stage area, you instantly snapped your eyes over to the left without so much as moving your head. Causing you to unintentionally glare as you stared down the reflection of the ceiling lights from someone's glasses. Glasses that just so happened to be pressed up along the nose bridge of a certain dislikable figure.

Ending the glare contest, she shifted her direction away while getting up from her spot. Continuing to stare daggers into her back even as she was walking away with her back turned. You couldn't shake off a stray feeling you get from her. You know you weren't familiar with any of your classmates at all, but for some reason you couldn't recall her name. All you knew was that she might just be pissed for you essentially launching Tae's plan into action.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now