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"I had the flag on my back this entire time, and you didn't just tell me that in the first place?!"

"[Y/n], stop yelling I'm not deaf." Rm deadpanned as he faced you with complete annoyance in his posture. You were ready to tell him 'at least not yet' in response but gave up when you could feel the pressure of the other members watching the fight in discomfort.

Throwing your hands up in a constructed motion, as if your hands had a mind of it's own telling them to wring out Rm's neck, you balled them into fist before throwing them back down at your sides. "For once, maybe just fucking maybe, tell me that the bag you dumped on me had the flag attached to it this whole time. What if the other gang knew I was the flag bearer and got the jump on me considering, you know, that I didn't even know the stupid flag was on me!"

Huffing a bit, you could feel yourself getting worked up over something stupid and trivial like not being told you were the flag bearer. Except after all the talk about 'you're a member' this or 'we're all members' that, you'd stupidly assumed that you'd be past the whole vague bullshit.

"Doesn't feel good, does it? When someone goes against your direct expectations." Was all Rm offered as an answer. This mother fucker and his vague bullshitting reminds me why I took that week off in the first place.

Scoffing, you ignored the increasing tense silence as the other members watched the two of you fight in sweat drop worry that one of you will break tonight's fourth rule. "Enough with the philosophical 'iM VerY sMaRT' bullshitting! Would it kill you to talk to me and tell me things like all the other members? Is it so hard to say," Making your voice deep and speech close enough to be mistaken for a caveman's, mimicking his voice saying, "Oh by the way [Y/n], this bag that I'm making you wear just has the fucking flag on it, so if you feel like you're constantly targeting or chase, it's definitely the literal flag on your back causing that."

Taking a deep breath after your rant, you stared murderously at him, nearly sent into another rage as all he did in response was raise a single eyebrow at you.

Ready to beat his ass into his next life, Rm's next words cut into you deeper than they should've, "Don't you think you're getting a little too comfortable calling yourself a member? I think you should look into why we hired you again in case you're mistaken."

"Hyung!" "Namjoon." Were the only words that followed from Taehyung and Jin as the other member's were just as thrown off from his answer as you were.

Noticing you froze up on the spot, Hobi instantly reached out, rubbing your shoulder gingerly as he tried to deescalate the situation. "Ignore him [Y/n], he's just butthurt about the Eunbi thing still."

"No, Rm's right." Turning the tables in a way, Rm was the one who became stiffen over words now. Probably because Rm expected you to throw down or do something equally as petty or immature. Everyone else practically had the same reaction since you'd never put 'Rm' or 'Right' in the same sentence on purpose.

Collecting yourself and holding your composure, you took your ear piece out carefully and took the bag off yourself. Handing the small device back over to extremely confused Hobi and chucking the bag full force into Rm's gut which almost knocked his giant ass off his feet, you threw your hands up in slight frustration.

"I never was a member, even after everything I'm still not a member, I'm just a replaceable hire. And I guess things smoothed over with Seo and Eunbi so you guys got that big gang break you always wanted." Clapping your hands together bitterly as you pressed your lips into a flat line, you practically announced, "I quit."

Turning around you stormed off, refusing to let Rm's words get to you in front of everyone else. Feeling Hobi's hand grab your shoulder as he tried to stop you from leaving, "[Y/n] wait, the rest of us don't think that. Don't go okay? Let's just calm down and talk-"

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now