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"Pinky promise.." The words left your lips in a strain as the rest of your brain began to process being awake. Groaning, you pushed the upper half of your body up, causing the covers pulled over you to slip down to your waist.

Glancing over to the window that had streaks of daylight beaming through, you faceplanted back down onto the overly plush pillows. Only to shoot back up as you remember your bed never being this cloud like. Ripping the covers off, you sighed in relief as your clothes from last night were still on. Aside from your left thigh high missing, you could that it was only your boots were taken off. Which were also neatly left next to the night stand on your side.

Being awake for what had to be a total of three minutes, your head started to spin out of control. You began debating whether or not to just crawl back under the covers. Only to scold yourself in the process as you couldn't remember the room you woke up in, meaning someone else brought you here. You figured obviously it was a member who did, but you rather be cautious than careless before you made any assumptions.

Regretting your drinking binge from last night, you still forced your limbs to drag yourself out of the bed. Before you could stand up from the bed where you were perched, the door softly clicked open. Looking over to watch a hunched over Jin tip toe into the room, only to freeze mid step as his eyes suddenly met yours. The way his eyes rounded out like he was caught eating on camera caused you a laugh as he ended up walking into the room normally.

Eyes quickly being drawn over to the paper brown bag in his hand as he made his way over to where you were sitting. "I got fast food for everyone's hangover cure." Jin said as he hand the bag over to you. Nearly ripping the bag open like a starved person whose been on a deserted island for a whole month, you let out small groans of bliss as you stuffed a couple fries into your mouth.

"Holy shit, I mean I hate fast food but this is actually good." You commented as you glanced over at a very amused Jin. Probably amused over how soft you made your hangover look, compared to the other member's hangovers he witness before yours. Besides Jimin's lethal like mini coma and Hoseok's personal vomit hell, he definitely favored you in terms of hangovers.

"There's a burger and a few nuggets in there as well since I didn't know which you preferred." Jin told you as he grab the water bottle off the nightstand to hand over to you. Hearing a small gasps as you whispered, "Nuggets." Taking the water bottle form him, you muffled a thanks as you easily inhaled the nuggets in one go. Feeling your body come to life as the grease began soaking up all the vodka mixed drinks in your body.

"Sorry if I was a difficult drunk to manage." You told him as you took the water bottle he held out. Cracking the lid off in a heartbeat as you took a few massive gulps. Noticing he was still standing, you scooted over to pat the spot next to you. Taking your invite, the male happily sat down onto the bed, nearly causing you to fall against him as the bed sunk in.

Ruffling the top of your head, Jin's lips did a cute pout as he explained, "You don't have to apologize, for the most part you were good. You should probably thank Tae though, he took care of you for most of the night while the rest of us were getting in and out of trouble." Nodding to him for the last part, you asked yourself, Does hallmark even have a, thanks-for-putting-up-with-my-drunk-ass card?

"You just had a few hiccups, nothing permanently damaging." Jin pulled you from your own thoughts as he added in another statement. Pulling the wrapper off the burger, you hummed in acknowledgement. But you stop yourself right before you could sink your teeth into the artery clogging burger.

"Most part?"

Propping his arms behind him, Jin leaned back onto the bed as he added in with a small laughther, "You threw up on Jimin during the car ride home." Nearly choking as you were biting into your food, you shot your wide eyes at Jin. Hoping he was joking, but something about the way his smile looked like he was reminiscing over it told you otherwise.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now