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"[Y/N]? Hello earth to [Y/N]?"

You blinked slowly a few times before noticing Jimin's small hand waving in front of your face. You were at the abandon gardening area on school grounds with everyone else. Well with the maknae line at least. Apparently Suga was with the other hyungs at an important gang meeting, so he wasn't at school.

Other than that, the past week was normal-ish. Aside from a random occasional member missing a day of school, it was like you were just a student. With friends who also doubled as your gang members. Also since that eventful night, the boys haven't stopped teasing you with the fact that you said you were a member yourself.

But something still oddly rubbed you the wrong way as essentially, Namjoon let you did what you wanted. Being the absolute closeted control freak he is, you would've expected a bombardment of calls or texts. Shockingly, your phone stayed silent for the whole week, no Rm and no Ace. But now you had a bad feeling that Rm had something irritating in store for you as a consequence.

Besides Rm unusual silence and willingness to let you do whatever you wanted in a way, the week was interesting to say the least. Delightfully to your surprise, you had what some girls on social media called a self care week. Doing small things like studying up on school work, cleaning your weapon assortments, getting laundry done, going through the boxes your dad left behind, giving a purpose to the freebie face masks you got from the convivence store.

At the end of the day, or week in this case, you realized as nice as it was to do that for yourself; you'd can't ever see yourself doing that again. It didn't feel natural to you considering how you've been leading an abnormal double life the past years.

Even now you were still trying to adjust yourself to some social forms of normality, like having people to rely on, using your new phone- since you never found your old one after being kidnapped- to just text causally, and having lunch with the members where you all talked about stupid things instead of "work". Like yesterday when they spent all of lunch break arguing whether or not people who like mint chocolate ice cream should have rights.

The more you kept thinking and eltting your mind wonder off to one of the millions of thoughts jogging through your mind, you started to blank out. Accidentally started to drowning out Jimin's voice once again, physically you were there.

But to be fair, your mind was still confused and constantly running itself ever since Hobi gave you the information, via orange envelope package passed to you from Tae during math earlier that week. Your dad had a lot more connections than you thought. After some investigating and code cracking, you found out he even had some sort of partnership with Jimin's mom, hopefully not the kind of partnership your mind kept wandering to considering her past line of work.

But you made some head way with the boxes, at least getting through one, you were able to map out an exact date and time on a hit that your dad carried out a long time ago yet, Jimin's mom helped him cover up. You were starting to think that maybe there was more to Jimin's mom besides the notebook.

Your rush of streaming thoughts was interrupted as your eyes became too busy watching Tae and Jungkook text right next to each other. Considering Jungkook would look at him weirded out, as Taehyung raised an eyebrow suggestively, and then vice versa.

"What were you saying?" You asked again knowing you just dozed off for what has to be the millionth time as Jimin was talking about something important. Or at least the way he kept using urgency in his tone gave you that impression.

"Fine, I'll say it one more time, but actually listen this time. Tonight—" Jimin was cut off by the bell which lead him to just groan out of frustration. Obviously giving up, Jimin shot up onto his feet, "Whatever, Namjoon hyung will probably fill you in anyways." He said as he sling his bag over his shoulder before leaving. You rolled your eyes at his salty tone towards the end.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now