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"I'm never letting you drive again."

"For once I agree with you." You told him as you were now sitting in the passenger seat. At some point Namjoon claimed he was going to shit himself if you didn't pull over and switch spots with him.

But to be fair his driving was a lot smoother than your video game experience in comparison, even if he did drift out of his lane every now and then. Not like it was an issue considering that it was probably 4 in the morning now and you guys would be the only stolen car on the road for another few hours at least.

Thankfully after all the events and mishaps, Namjoon managed to keep his phone secured on him. Only problem was you guys were in a dead zone, meaning no calls getting in or out to you or the rest of the gangs. But he figured he'd drive towards a safe house in the meantime while checking the bars on his phone every now and then.

"Your water idea was good, stupid if you blocked your only exit, but still a really clever idea all in all." Namjoon complimented you about your plan, causing you to feel some sort of awkward discomfort since you still weren't used to him being non-asshole-ish to you.

Propping on foot onto your seat to hug your single knee as you looked over at him. You mumbled a small, "Thanks, but also don't force yourself to be nice, you're making yourself feel unnatural." You weren't trying to be rude, you were just trying to honestly tell him not to hurt himself by trying to be someone he wasn't towards you for the past months.

Letting out a withheld breath of air, Namjoon tried explaining, "I'm not acting bipolar if that's what you're thinking, I just think I shouldn't be a dick to you 24/7, not without reason."

"Was there ever a reason to be a dick to me in the first place?" You asked, sincerely curious, probably a question you've been dying to ask since the first encounter between you two.

"Hundreds actually," Namjoon shot you a stone cold look, only to quickly break out of character with a dimpled smile to say, "I'm joking, it was just the one reason."

"What reason could you possibly give yourself to have hate me so much?"

"You're young, fairly attractive-"

Cutting him off, because you just had to ask, "Are you the evil queen from snow white or some other bitter old lady?"

Catching him roll his eyes at that, Namjoon comfortably slumped back into the seat as he kept driving with one hand, "You're the furthest thing from a Disney princess first of all. And secondly, you're perfect, like the ideal hitman. Nothing scared or intimidated you, no one- not even me- could really control you or tell you what to do, you're able to kill without hesitation, and you had complete control over your emotions."

"What changed then?" You were liking the first half of his reason, until you heard the keyword 'had' in his explanation.

Seeing him start to look over to you, you quickly averted your eyes else where to avoid eye contact. "You changed. The more and more you stayed with us, the more I saw you change. It's weird to explain, but I can't see you as the same Ace anymore. I see you the same way I see the other members, like you were always meant to be apart of the gang with us. That's also why I didn't want to let you close to us, another member meant another person I could lose in a moments notice."

Guess that would explain the hug earlier, and a lot of other things. You thought as you remembered the time Jungkook and you got into a fight with those delinquents. When Namjoon threaten Jungkook in the hospital, in some twisted way that was probably just Namjoon trying to protect him by scaring him straight.

This entire conversation also gave you a small peek into how much stress Namjoon's always under as a leader. Realizing the actual weight of the leader's burden, once you took in the fact that if anything happened to a member, it'd be on him.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now