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"Why is he here." You groaned as you bit into a sugar cookie.

"Because we also need help with English, and Namjoon hyungs probably the best person to help with that." Tae said he looked up at you from whatever math equation he was solving. He complained about his hair getting in his way so you tied his bangs up like you would when a puppy's ears keeps falling into their food. You've been good so far at fighting the urge to poke his fluffy unicorn pony tail.

After the hospital the boys said they wanted to study at home, since you'd rather go homeless than let any of them know where you live. Plus, there was still a risk that whoever those attackers were remember your name and the fact Jungkook called you Ace, so you guys couldn't just casually study at Starbucks. And there was no way in hell you were taking them to library, you didn't want to subject the poor librarian to the torture that is managing a handful of grown toddlers.

After brainstorming, Jimin told us he swiped one of Jin's many, many, apartment keys at the hospital. So you all agreed to study at the one closest to you guys. It was going surprisingly okay, until Namjoon showed up after Tae texted him to come over. The only reason you didn't kick his ass across the table was because he brought snacks and drinks. In your books, that meant that person was okay, until the snacks ran out.

You sat at the end of a very long dining table with the other "students", apparently they never went to school before. Which actually surprised you. They wanted to experience it and do normal student things, like cry over finals and do red bull powered all-nighters apparently. To be honest you thought it was stupid to want that, but you stopped yourself before voicing that. Because deep down you knew that you envied normality just as much as they do.

Either way, if you never took on Ace, you'd be stuck doing everyday high schooler stuff. But now that you know you're in the belly of the underground beast because of BTS, you knew couldn't be normal until you were able to see the end of things.

"[Y/N], is this right?" Jungkook hesitantly slide a piece of graph paper to you. Your [H/C] eyes darted back a forth, like they were watching an intense tennis match, as you analyzed his work. "Mhm, I told you you'd get the hang of it." You broke the sugar cookie in half giving the bigger half to Jungkook for positive reinforcement. Cookie for Kookie. He took it happily sticking it in his mouth and finishing the other problems at a lighting pace.

"Hey hey [Y/N], check mine, I know I got it this time." Jimin announced with pride while handing you his worksheet. Cracking your knuckles you took it from him.


"Yes lovely?"

"You wrote, 'idk I hate math', then you stapled a twenty to it." You turned the paper back to him.

"Shit, I forgot to show work." He got up from his seat and walked in front of you. He took the paper and scribbled something down really fast before handing it back. Sighing you read the paper again, in fresh ink after the problem he added 'Pls [Y/N]'.

Rolling your eyes you tossed the paper back onto the table, "the answer has to have numbers in it." Jimin groans and leans on your chair's arm rest. "I'm taking a break then." You shoved a donut in his mouth to keep him busy for the next few minutes while you help Jungkook with his math.

You looked over at Tae's paper, he was translating the Korean sentences you wrote on the paper into English. "Taehyung you used the wrong 'your'." You pointed out, Tae squinted closely and then nodded before erasing what he was writing.

"It's the right 'your'." Namjoon said while tossing a handful of chips into his mouth.

"It doesn't make sense, it's not 'Is this you're class?', because it's like saying 'is this you are class?'" Taehyung just looked more confused at that, mumbling under his breath 'how many yours do I use then..'.

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