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"As I'll ever be." Hoseok answered you as he fully turned the door handle downward. You both held your breath as he pushed the door open.

Stepping into the hospital room, you made quiet footsteps as your ears picked up the metronome beeping from the monitors inside. The hospital room was only big enough for one bed, aside from the classic white pristine hospital rooms. A large window opposite from the doorway gave a breath taking view of the sun setting into the oceans of the city's buildings and night life. The window was open slightly, blowing the privacy curtain gracefully in the soft breeze.

Your attention was brought back into the room as you heard Hobi call out his sister's name before his voice became choked up. He stared at the unconscious girl laying in the bed, who didn't look any older than you by a year at least.

Pressing your hand against the mid section of his back, you gave him a small encouraging push towards his sister. Hobi took his time as he paced himself before pulling a chair up to sit at his sister's bedside.

"I'll give you some space, call me if you need me I'll be right outside." You hope he heard you, since he didn't make a response towards you. You watched as took his sister's hand into both of his as he held it tightly, trying to tell her that he was there with her.

Feeling like an intruder, you quickly showed yourself out of the room. Closing the door behind yourself, you carefully leaned your weight against it as you let out a sigh you've been holding in. A smile crept it's way onto your face as you felt a sense of pride overwhelm inside of your chest.

There was something about Hoseok's new found self that made you swell up with a sense of doing what was right. You wanted to help him, and not because you expected a benefit for yourself. Neither doing it because it was the morally correct or easy way to go about. Maybe you did it because you started to invested more of yourself into the group. Maybe you did all of this for Hoseok because you cared about him. Clenching your fingers into the hem of your hoodie, you wringed the material in your hands as you were in thought.

Pacing up and down the hall a bit, you mercifully released your now extremely wrinkled hoodie hem. As you did, your hands found it's way to your locks of hair that fell in front of your shoulder, playing with them instead out of a nervous habit. But now you were left to figure out what to do about Hobi's dad.

The two paper slim items weighed heavy in your pockets as you began exploiting every possibility for a perfect answer. Tangling your hair around your fingers, you leaned back against the wall as you pressed your knuckles into your cheeks. Your darker subconscious planted a small idea of doing nothing, let Hobi deal with his family, you already helped him more than enough as is.

Killing the idea before it consumed most of your logical thinking, you left your final decision up to Hobi. The coldness in you felt disappointed in how soft and trusting you became for each member slowly. You ignore it as you thought to yourself, "Whose not to say they've become soft because of me."

Between nearly half of the members having a bonding moment with you. You hated admitting it, but one by one, the boys were becoming more closer than you should've let them. It wasn't because you could bond with most of the members over each other's shitty upbringings, but because they treated you as a person.

They made you feel validated, or at least your emotions and actions validated. They were the first people you've had meaningful connections to since your dad die, so maybe that's why you wanted to return that same feeling of validation or meaningfulness towards them.

Feeling yourself flush at the self gush of emotions you had, you cleared your head of any other internal complications. Pulling your hoodie up so the edge was resting midway onto your head, you headed to the vending machine a few feet down the hall. Hoping that buying a drink would help kill time so you weren't left alone with your overthinking.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now