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"You're a sight for sore eyes."

"You probably mean a sore sight for eyes." You grumbled back as you took a seat in front of the same bartender form last time. With her same neon revealing clothing, you avoided staring directly at her chest as she sank her elbows down onto the bar in front of you.

Eyes flickering to hers for a moment, which was all she needed to see the underlying hurt in your eyes that brought you here in the first place. "Aw girlie, what's got you down?" Being the only one at the bar at the moment, all of her attention was being catered to you. You shook your head a bit, pressing your lips into a fine line. Causing her to reach out, brushing your bangs away from your eyes out of sympathy.

"Anything I can do to help?" She offered moving away from the bar to show of the variety of different alcohols that crammed all the shelfs behind her. Eyes quickly skimming over each bottle lit up in the same green tone from the neon lights overhead. You tapped your finger nails against the chipped bar top before saying, "You got a drink that wipes my mind from the past 24 hours?"

"Say no more." Was all she chirped before working her magic, as memorizing as watching her talents in bartending, you still couldn't ignore the heavy weight against your chest. Before you know it, a glass cup was slid in front of you as it sat neatly on a square napkin. Slowly grabbing the glass, you brought it up to your lips. Taking a light slip to determine the drink's strength before downing the whole thing in one go.

Licking your upper lip as you felt the burning sensation disappear from your throat after a while, you looked up at her. Meeting her eyes as she was in her own state of awe as she just wanted you down a single glass like nothing. "You're like the last guy here, Pinkie nearly drank a whole bottle to himself before his friend dragged him off." She commented as she already began pouring you out another drink. You noticed the different color of it toxic liquid, figuring she was upping the anti considering how you didn't even hiss out after the single gulp.

Your ears, that you felt the tips of burning up, perked at the mention of 'Pinkie'. That's gotta be Jimin. "By any chance did this Pinkie guy start a tab under the name Seokjin?"

After an astonished pause, she nodded while sliding another glass to you, "Yup, why?"

"Just add all my drinks to the same tab as well then please." You requested as you lifted the new glass up. Repeating the same process of baby sip then downing the whole thing. Letting the liquid sit on the back of your tongue, you let out a small wince as you also added, "Another one of this one too, please."

"Of course anything for my new favorite." She gave you a genuine smile as she refilled your glass. After a feel more drinks, you untensed as you felt the edge get taken off of you. "So whose the boy who hurt you?" the bartender piped up while wiping down the bartop.

"Never said a boy broke my heart."

"Never said he did." She retorted, causing you to laugh a bit. An effect from the alcohol as you didn't even realize you walked into her bear trap of a question. Carefully taking a reproach to answer her that didn't have alcohol making you spill your verbal guts out. "Whenever I see a girl try to drink herself into memory lost, it's usually because some boy did something. They're boys sweetie, they're blissfully aware that they play the obvious victim, it's how they get away with everything with no consequences." Raising your glass to that you downed another drink in agreement with her.

Doing a small 'ah' as you set the glass down while feeling the chest pain ease off. Leaning back in your stool you kicked the boots of your heel together as you absentmindedly said, "I just thought that maybe, I could've really liked him that way."

"Or maybe you only liked him because you were lonely, or maybe he made you feel better about yourself. That doesn't always mean you like him that way. Take it from me," Waving her fingers to show off her ring finger, "Twice divorce. Ended both times because I was only loved as I was feeding their egos."

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now