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One second you two were just doing some awkward light kissing, then before you could comprehend you were suddenly pinned up against the counter. Allowing the kiss to get more heated and intimate than the two of you should with Namjoon's hands dropping away from your jaw to grip the counter on either side of you. In all honestly, you couldn't tell if Namjoon was this rough of a kisser or just this damn clumsy.

Not like it matter much before Namjoon suddenly stepped away from you. With your heart racing you figured that was the reason your ears were practically filled with the sound of your heart pounding away, also the same reason you didn't hear someone coming towards the kitchen.

Both of you quickly pretending to be off doing your own respective thing as Tae and his perfect as always timing came into the kitchen. There was an awkward stance you took up as you were acting as if the cup of water on the counter was the most compelling thing in the world. Which was only a cover up for you to reduce the heavy flush on your cheeks.

Looking back and forth between you two, Tae spoke up saying, "Hobi says he found something."

Rubbing your fingers into the side of your neck, you asked, "What did he find?"

"I think he wanted to tell you in person, that's why he asked if I could go call you- did you two have another fight or something? It's so tense in here." Tae jokingly commented the last bit.

"If we were fighting, I'm pretty sure you guys would've heard us cussing each other out by now." Namjoon spoke up. Going over to the mini fridge, he pulled out a few bottled waters. He then went over to your closed off self, surprising you subtly by putting the bottles into your hand. Whispering, "We'll talk about it later," Speaking in a normal tone quickly, Namjoon added, "Here, the other's are probably thirsty."

Catching on to the opening he made for you, you nodded at him before looking at Tae, "Yeah, I'll take these out to them. Thanks for letting me know Hobi found something, Tae." You gave him a quick smile before exiting the kitchen.

An awkward silence ensued again at your mini escape as the two males stared at each other wordlessly. Tae's upbeat attitude faded along with your presences. Waiting for your footsteps to completely leave the hall to give them the privacy away from you.

Namjoon spoke first, "How long were you standing there for." Arms crossed over his chest as he leaned his upper body against the fridge while staring at Tae.

Letting out a bitter laugh, Tae aggressively ruffled before running his fingers through his bed head locks. "Long enough to know she practically recited a love letter to you."

"It wasn't like that Taehyung, it was just-"

"I like [Y/n]." Tae confessed boldly to his hyung.

Namjoon sharply tensed in the slightest with his body language, he had an idea that Tae might've have feelings aimed towards you. But he never knew that Tae would take such an intimidating stance on it. "Taehyu-"

"Not in some flimsy way either. It's not like some crush that's going to eventually fade away." Tae pressed on with. "I like [Y/n], a lot. And I can tell you do too. Kissing her isn't just something that just accidentally happens."

Standing in silence, Namjoon couldn't make any arguments back to Tae. If he did he only be branding himself as a liar. Also taking into account that if their was any miscommunication with Tae that reached you would potentially hurt you, which was something he was taking extra precautions to avoid.

Nearly frustrated with Namjoon basically confirming everything he was saying, Tae's tone almost turned into a bark as he snapped out, "You made a dating ban against her for this exact reason. Honor your own rules if you can't even follow them strictly-"

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