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This had to be the perfect run. Out of all the times you've repeated this scene over and over again, you swore this time was perfect. That under no reason did Taehyung's critical detail oriented vision find a single hair out of place. But you love proving yourself wrong don't you.

"Cut! Just stop wait," Director Tae yelled out before dramatically pinching the bridge of his nose delicately, letting out a sigh as if he's the one exhausted. You know Tae was just really, really, into the director act as if it was a separate role itself. Or at least that's what you rationally told yourself as you choose to be docile with how he was turning director into being a dictator. "The scene still feels incomplete."

Rolling your eyes a bit as you stepped away from the tape crosses that mark your spot on stage. "Maybe it's the fact we've done this scene too many times to the point were it's oversaturated." You pressed passive aggressively while Jimin pretended to find interest in the set design. Probably done to avoid conflict with his 95 liner soulmate, as you could tell by the way he kept clenching up his script book in hand that he was also running out of patiences.

It was tolerable at first, sure Jimin's constant casanova attitude was a given since you two were the leads constantly next to each other, but it was a lot more preferable than being worn out instantly during your classes rehearsals.

I'd rather being committing murder right now.. You couldn't help but think helplessly as Tae glossed over your previous comment. Even though you'd be lying if you weren't also using practice as a distraction. On top of remembering lines, you also self tasked yourself with using every free minute to dwell over Bin. Since whoever she or he or they were, did one hell of a job of keeping themselves unknown.

As you nearly slipped off into a hurricane of your own thoughts, Jimin quickly caught you by a small tug onto the side of your sleeve. Giving him a questioning look Jimin made a slight nod towards Tae before saying, "Our creative minded genius of a director thinks the lightings too harsh, so he wants to rerun the light sequences." A hint of exhaustion shadowed itself behind his words as Jimin made his way off stage. Following his lead to the heavy set red curtains that where drawn back to the sides, you both stuck behind the concealed wing of the stage.

While silence set in you decided to wander around backstage as Jimin began to bury himself back into his script book. Seeing your classmates that had minor or stagehand roles sprawled out around the back areas just on their phones. Continuing your mini tour, you passed by movable panels of painted scenery and standing props, you also saw that in one corner you guessed some students set up a hair and makeup corner station.

As you moved towards the other wing around the stage, you roughly bumped shoulders with someone else who had a similar frame to you. Not equipped with the ability to say sorry automatically out of habit, you ended up just looking at the sharp reflection of their glasses. It really did feel like you were seeing this girl everywhere, but that could just be the fact you finally acknowledge your classmates exist.

Continuing to ignore 'Glasses-Stuck-Up-Her-Ass' girl, you decided to look over where she just was. Out of both curiosity and just checking an itching suspicion as she kept rubbing you the wrong way without solid reason. Coming up upon a plastic white top table, you delicately ran your fingers along the edge as your eyes darted over an array of props.

She must be in charge of the props. You thought to yourself while picking up a candle stick that had a fake flame. Setting it down you looked around more, most of the props were just for the ending scene of the play. Picking up a vial that contained a bright green translucent liquid, you read a temporary tag attached to it that was labeled, 'Romeo's Poison.' Which sounds devious out of context but it's probably the "poison" you're suppose to kill yourself with in the play.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now