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"[Y/n], baby girl, [Y/n]-ie bear, her royal highness of the highest ranking gang-- don't throw shit! We don't throw in this house!" Jimin snapped as he closed your door a bit to shield himself from your lethal pillows being thrown at him.

Sitting up in bed, still out of it you angrily huffed your bed hair out of your face, "We also don't wake, hold on," Squinting to help clear away the sleepiness from blurring your vision, you reached out to turn the alarm clock to face you. Holy shit five in the morning already??? That means we finished our mini raid a little under five hours ago.

Letting the hot red lights of it burn your retinas slightly as you angrily bark out, "People up at five in the freaking morning in this house either. Let alone use their "stage" name outside of work."

Jimin, cautiously sticking his head back in while wagging his finger at you, "Nuh-uh, it's a school day babe so rise and shine. And, not my fault you picked an embarrassing new name."

"Yeah well it's not my fault.. you.. your..." Your brain became stiff frozen over the fact that it wasn't awoken fully yet.

Moving close enough for you to see that he was already dressed in the school uniform. "Take your time," Jimin hummed with smugness as he leaned his crossed arms together at the end of your bed, "It must be hard to find a flaw in someone so perfect like me-"

"Bitchass baby fingers." Striking the head of his weakness as he instantly curled his fingers into a fist, effectively concealing said baby fingers.

Shaking his head slowly toward you as he pressed his lips together out of salt, "That's a low blow [Y/n], even for you."

"Yeah guilt trip me an hour from now when I'm fully awake and have minimum energy to pretend to care." Muttering out the words, you drop back down onto your bed. Your body happily tugging onto the blanket to let it's retain warmth envelope you.

Just as quickly as you burrowed yourself under the covers, Jimin, who was still riding out his petty train; rip the blanket off of you a proceeded to leave the room. "You will earn your blanket privileges back when you're downstairs ready for school, and also when me and my bitchass baby fingers say so."

"The correct phrasing would be my bitchass baby fingers and I- look Jimin give me my blanket back," Sitting up again fully in bed as Jimin held your rolled up blanket in your doorway as a hostage. "And I promise you when I'm fully awake I won't completely murder you, just a little bit. Also me having a near-death experience should count as a permanent sick excuse to never go back to school."

Rolling his eyes, Jimin somehow finds an arguing ground to bicker with you. "Alright sure cupcake, try running that by Jin hyung. Let me guess you basically repeat what you told me, except you do your weird puppy dog eyed persuasion and drop an oppa card too for good measure. So if I got you all figured out, do you really think that's gonna work on him?" Jimin practically sneered at your still tired deadpan face.

"Actually, yeah I do."

"You're probably right he has a soft spot for you- that's not the point here, [Y/n]!" At this point the early morning coldness already ruined any chances of you drifting off back to sleep. Leaving you to crawl out of bed, not as awkwardly as last time since you learned to just wear the most unattractive baggy gray sweater and track pants combo as pjs. Heading over to the vanity closet as Jimin continued his rant, "Plus how do you expect me and- Taehyung and I, to power through math class without you?"

"And by power through you mean copy all my answers, right? Anyways, I'm changing right now so go already." Opening a drawer you began pulling out folded stacks of uniforms. Feeling a bit overwhelmed at the idea of seven men technically looking after you now since your official move in. But brushing it off nonetheless as you didn't give that feeling more attention to manifest into something else. Pulling on the hem of your top as you started to lift it up, only to hit your movement brakes.

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