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"You don't have a fear of heights right?" Jimin asked while leading you down a different flight of staircases. Or maybe it was the same one from before, at any rate the red, white, and gold interior was becoming a blur altogether.

"No, why?" You questioned him as you he stuck his head out around the corner.

"We're taking an emergency exit." Was all he answered with while glancing back at you. A grimace of an expression hung onto his face as he struggled to keep a lid on the bottles of emotions he had jarred up inside.

Once the coast was clear, Jimin darted into the hall, keeping at a urgent pace with you in tow. Switching holding arms for the notebook every now and then, worried that holding it in one hand for to long would smear sweat onto it. Halting his pace suddenly, Jimin stopped in front of a window. He stepped back into the middle of the hall before counting the windows until he stopped onto the window in front of him.

Locking his eyes onto the window, Jimin walked up to the window pane. Undoing both locks on the bottom, he pried it open fully as the rush of freezing air blew into the hallway. You kept a look out for any unexpected company as Jimin climbed out the window before jumping into the pitch black of the nightfall. Walking over to the window you kept your back towards, after a while Jimin called out to you, "It's clear [Y/n]."

Sitting down onto the window sill while having one hand hold onto the top of it for balance. You threw one leg outside the window, swallowing thickly at the drop down but pushing through as you pulled your other leg out. Leaning your body further out of the window towards the outside, the coldness of the night nipped at your warmth fleeting cheeks. Carefully keeping one hand holding the notebook to your chest, while your other hand dropped from the top of the window to the outside window ledge as you kept a shaky balance.

Jimin looked up as you as you took a minute to figure out how to jump down without snapping your ankles from landing on a pair of stilts. You could barely make out his face as your body blocked out most of the lighting from inside the house.

"What's wrong?" Jimin called out to you as your balance kept shifting back and forth hesitantly.

"I can't jump down, not without breaking something in the process at least." You told him as you kept your ears on alert for anyone who might come up behind you. Already thinking about a plan B for yourself. You heard Jimin mutter 'Shit' under his breath as he ran a hand through his hair. "I'm going to toss down the notebook and find another way out, okay?" You waited for his response, after a few dead seconds pasted by, you called out his name again. "Jimin?"

"You can't, you'll get lost or get caught by yourself." He pointed out to you, which made you start quickly rearranging your plan B. "Just jump [Y/n], I'll catch you."

"I'll crush you, or still break something, or both."

"[Y/n], I said both of us and the notebook are leaving. Think of it like a leap of faith." You weren't sure if the last bit reassured you or made you even less willing to jump into the darkness below. But what choice did you have at this point. You rubbed your feet together to kick your shoes off, letting them fall onto the grassy floor somewhere near Jimin. Even if he did caught you, you figured jumping in heels could still be a risky factor.

"Okay," You reluctantly agreed, "Count me down so I don't land on you." You asked while prepping yourself quickly, knuckles turning white as you gripped onto the ledge tightly.

"On three then," Jimin's voice moved along with him as he stood directly under the ledge. As he counted down you told yourself it's only a small drop. That it's only a deep jump from your perspective. When Jimin said three, your arm pushed yourself out of the window, whether you mentally liked it or not. Fighting the urge to shut your eyes fully, you kept them open just enough to see where you were falling onto. As you did, you pulled your other arm over your chest so you didn't accidentally sucker punch him on the way down.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now