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"How are they doing?"

"They're doing good, besides a few scrapes and bruises the only thing serious is Jungkook's jaw. He's a fast healer, but until then I'll make sure he only eats things in a liquid state. So don't worry about those two too much [Y/N]."

"I'm not worried." Liar.

You stood with your arms crossed leaning back against the hallway wall with one foot against it. On your way to the hospital Jin gave you his jacket, you only took it at first because you thought you'd stick out with dried blood on your heels and dress. Either way, jacket or not, you realized you wouldn't stick out that much.

But you found out quickly that Jin practically owned the hospital more or less by how all the doctors and nurses addressed his as, "Mr. Kim". Also because no one here seemed fazed by you and the rest of BTS walking through the back doors with two guys bleeding onto the pristine white floors. Plus, the fact that the hospital was named after his father, which you learned about from the informational portrait on display.

Which says a lot about someone who has their own face painted inside the hospital they own. From the portrait you unlocked a lot more information about his dad, and the fact that everyone in Jin's family won the genetic lottery. Like his family was made from a model factory or something.

Jin stood across from you, leaning against the opposite side of the hall. His button up shirt was tucked into his pants sloppily and his hair stuck out in different directions from stress.

Two nurses walk down the hall between the two of you, they both bowed their heads at Jin, who just nodded back in acknowledgement. "He's so handsome." Was what one of the nurses squealed while the other scoffed a bit. "You should see his older brother, talk about a panty dropper." You look over to see his reaction to that, but Jin's forehead wrinkled a bit while he was lost in deep thought.

When you first got to the hospital, you followed Jin and RM to the room that Jimin and Jungkook were rushed into. Finding it strange at first that they treated those two like they were flatlining. Still, if the CEO's son showed up with hurt friends, you guess you'd make them the priority.

That also made it more obvious that even though it was an extremely lush and rich looking hospital. The kinds that cost an arm and a leg to pay the bills off. Was most likely being run by an underground head leader who had a lot of darkness hiding in the shadows of the ever so bright harsh lights of the hospital. 

Suga took Hobi into the waiting room to sober him up. You arms felt sore from helping Jungkook carry Jimin out of the alleyway. And also from using a surprisingly heavy plank as a bat. For the smallest member, he was fairly difficult to carry.

But thankfully you ran into Tae who got the others. Out of the group Tae was effected the most, he kept trying to go into the room with RM, but RM said he could stay with them after they talked. So instead Tae was pacing back and forth in the waiting room, eventually that gave Suga a headache.

To avoid Suga from blowing up after being stuck with Drunk-Hope for the night, you gave Tae money and told him to go to the cafeteria and pick out snacks for everyone. Even though it was just something you asked him to do just to distract him, he brighten at your request before going off to wherever the cafeteria was. It made you wonder if the other's ever gave him tasks to do, since he got excited over buying snacks.

After that, you noticed Suga was back to his regularly schedule Anti-[Y/N] mood. Because all he did was glare draggers into the back on your head as you ignored him. You were too tired to put up with him so you left the waiting room, and went into the direction Jin and RM went off. That's how you got alone with a very on-edge gang group mom. Also known as Jin. But you knew better than to ever call him a mom to his face.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now