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After everything was sorted out on Jin's end of the whole night, and by sorted out you meant the dead body in the house was taken care of along with the get away car. You were finally able to rest after all the hoops and hurdlers you went through that night.

Or at least that's what you thought.

Even after Jin dropped you off, you couldn't stop thinking about what he said. Every word stuck and stabbed into you more as you dwelled further on it. Replaying the conversation in your head caused you to literally toss and turn in bed.

Mentally pulling petals off a flower while thinking between, I do care or I don't care. You knew helping Jin out of your own free wasn't going to benefit you in anyway. But deep down you wouldn't mind doing it again. Not just because it was Jin you were helping, but because you really think that if you ever got caught in something dangerous.

Something dangerously similar to smuggling three people away, you knew that one of the boys would come to your aid. Whether you needed their help or not you knew either way, you can rely on them. Maybe even relying on them more than you would want yourself to believe.

Finally feeling fed up with your current state of emotionally fueled confusion, you suddenly rolled out of bed. Storming out of your room as you grabbed your jacket off the end of the bed, you started to head out. Thinking that the only reason that could explain your "deer caught in headlights" mood, was because you've been out of touch. Out of Ace for too long.

Instead of your usual missions that were the cards you pick and choose to do, you've been doing missions that were given to you by RM. You figured that now's the best time as any to pick your cards back up and take control of Ace again. Reminding yourself who you really were, or who you really are suppose to be was the only way you figured would work to get your head back on straight.


Again, at least that's what you thought.

Pulling your face mask up to the bridge of your nose, you kept weaving in and out of foot traffic. Occasionally bumping into shoulders but you were moving too fast for them to even stare you down or yell at you.

Fast walking into another crowded alleyway, you merged through the clusters of bodies as you kept moving to your targeted area. Moving off to the side of a dumpster you watched as the stream of people blew past you. It was only the afternoon but the underground was already underway with it's usual alleyway black markets.

If you find the seller you're looking for you can buy just about anything illegal. Ranging from something stupid like pirated kid movies to something more "prison for life" which is just about any flavor of candy pop. Candy pop being the most dangerous and high in demand drug the underground has ever had in an all time high.

Taking the calling card you found at one of your drop off spots, you reread the request. Looking for this person, picture is old. Confirm whether or not this person is alive, then deliver the card at the address below. You almost whistled out loud when you read the reward again.

You never cared much for the money aspects when working as Ace. The only reason you took up this job was because you were curious on who would go far enough to reach out to Ace discreetly, but was rich enough to write more zeros than you count for the reward.

Unfolding the photo that was left with the card you looked it over again. Old was an understatement, the picture was ancient by the looks of it. You could barely make out the other colors from the various shades of rust and hazy orange that started to eat away at the camera film. It was a picture of a little boy, who was probably in their 20s by the age of the picture.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now