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You felt your nose prick at the sudden, overwhelming smell of cleaning alcohol. Your lids felt heavy, and only the fingers on your right hand twitched when your brain told them too. You listened to your surrounding, you could hear the various noises from computers and the sound of someone playing angry birds on their phone.

As if on cue, memories flooded your mind from ditching school to pulling Jungkook out of the way. That's why your left arm felt like lead. So then that means, a hospital? Before you could question yourself on when or how you got here, the door to your room opened, making the door slam into the wall firmly. You didn't react even though the sound of the slam made you surprised.

"Suga." Namjoon? "Wait outside, I want to talk to him alone." Him? Who else was in the room.

The metal legs of a chair scraped a bit against the plastic tile flooring, followed by footsteps exiting the room. Once the door closed, you couldn't hear the video game noises anymore. That must've been Suga then. You stop moving your fingers a bit and laid there pretending to still be knocked out.

Namjoon's heavy footsteps walked across the room and stopped on the other side of your bed. "What the fuck were you thinking." It wasn't a question. It was a demand.

"Hyung, I didn't mean for her to get hurt. It happened so fast, I just, I messed up." Jungkook, how long has he been in the room for? How much time has passed then? You stopped the self questioning to listen again when Namjoon's voice spoke up again. "That wasn't what I asked Jungkook."

"I thought.. I thought maybe if she could help me train. I could be useful to you and everyone else. That I wouldn't be a burden to you anymore, or to [Y/N]."

"And how did that work out for you. Taehyung told me what you told him what happen, from what it sounded like it wasn't your fight. Why did you stay, why didn't you run." Namjoon kept interrogating him.

"Because [Y/N] didn't run away when Jimin and I got attacked, even when it wasn't her fight. I wanted to protect her, I didn't know she was going to get hurt." A heavily pause hung in the air before Jungkook added, "I never wanted her to end up like that." His voice was directed at you, you couldn't tell what direction he was facing but you figured it was probably towards you now.

"Jin's waiting outside, he'll take you home." Without having to tell Jungkook, he got up and started to leave the room. "Is there anything important I should know that you didn't tell Taehyung."

You could hear Jungkook sweat a bit before adding, "They saw her face.. and I think they heard me call her Ace."

"You can leave now. I'll figure what to do with you later. If this shit happens again, I can guarantee you'll end up being hospital roommates with [Y/N] next time." Namjoon said in strained voice, as if he was taking all he had not to exhaust his lungs at Jungkook.

"Namjoon hyung.." Jungkook trailed off a bit, a part of you soften at his tone. He sounded so soft and hurt, like all he needed was a hug to fix his day. But you knew a hug wouldn't fix your current situation. Could you even hug anymore with your arm weighing around a million pounds?

"What." Snapped Namjoon, obviously at the end of his patience.

"When [Y/N] wakes up, can you tell me?" He asked with faint pleading in his voice.

"Just leave Jungkook." Was all Namjoon replied with. You heard the door open, feet shuffle out the door, then it slam close.

"You don't have to pretend to be asleep, I know you've been awake for a while now." After hearing that you slowly open your eyes. Blinking rapidly to let your eyes adjust to the harsh hospital lights. Using your good arm you leaned most of your weight onto your right side, then pushed yourself up into a sitting position. You kept your eyes on Namjoon, who was now standing at the end of your hospital bed.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now