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Lil meow meow pov continued ~+*+*

"Hello?" I called out for the fifth time. Giving up, I carefully laid [Y/N] down on the nearest bed in the nurses office. I carefully let her head fall back against the starchy pillow, I made sure she wasn't getting any worst before I walked away to find the nurse. I looked around the room and found a minifridge under a counter across the room. Upon opening it I found someone's lunch, but thankfully in the shelf lined against the door had an ice pack.

Grabbing it I kicked the door back close, then I quickly headed back to [Y/N] while my other hand swiped a folded towel off of a counter that was sitting next to a sink. I shook the towel causing it to unfold quickly, wrapping the ice pack in it, I carefully pushed [Y/N]'s bangs back and rested the pack against her forehead.

"That should help for now." I said to no one in particular, stepping away I went to look for the nurse. Going over to another door inside the room that didn't have a bathroom sign on it, I opened it roughly, letting the door handle slam into the wall. Walking into the actual office part of the nurse's office, I pick up a pink sticky note on the computer on the desk.

Reading the note I crumpled it up in frustration, 'Out for a meeting', just how underpaid was the nurse getting to just leave during school hours like this. Out of annoyance at the complete incompetence of the school, I kicked the desk a bit in irritation. As soon as I did the monitor of the computer suddenly sprang to life. I must moved the mouse a bit then when I kicked the desk.

I glanced over at the door quickly before taking a seat in the black leather recliner of an office chair. Staring at the screen a bit, I tried thinking about ways Hoseok would easily hack a school computer. Because the second [Y/N]'s fever burns through that ice pack, I want to have another go to solution. The nurse's computer probably has all the students health records on it, including personal records. So that's a start.

If I can pull up her profile and take her home it be a lot easier than to let her over heat repeatedly on a brick of a bed. At least out of school I could get better care for her. And by better care, I mean probably just dump this on Namjoon and Jin hyung. I started to type into the password box.
Why go this far for her, she hasn't done anything for you.

I was suddenly frozen by my own thoughts, causing my fingers to stiff over whatever key them were going to press. It's as if I forgot who [Y/N] was for a second, the moment she collapsed I just went to her side without realizing it. I started to get out of the seat shaking my head. What the hell was I doing. I question myself. Feeling a bit off now that I saw how far I was about to go just for her.

But I should help her. Except a part of me was trying to convince me that I shouldn't. The best thing to do for now would to be take her home, and just leave. After that she won't be my problem. I'll tell Jin or another one of her boyfriends to deal with her then. I'll only do that minimum, since it would benefit the group more if Ace wasn't moping around with a high fever if we needed her. Nodding to myself, I started to feel more confident with my decisions.

Yeah, this is just for our benefit. It's not like I actually care about that shitty brat or anything. I thought to myself in final reassurance before I began my novice hacking abilities on the computer. Unsurprisingly, I got into the records only after my second attempt. Because the password was 'Password' for fucks sake.

After clicking through a few programs and opening different files and reports. I finally found [Y/N]'s profile. Skimming through her profile, I grab took my phone out of my fake bra. Since that's the only thing it's been useful for so far. Quickly punching in the address into my phone's gps app, it instantly showed me a route and also displayed '14 minute walking distance'.

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