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"Let's get cracking." You announced while setting down the last of the few file boxes.

"[Y/n], I'd rather be cracking someone's skull. Not.. whatever paper work you want us to file." Yoongi spoke while dejectedly opening a lid off of the nearest box to him.

"Well," You took a moment to sit on the floor with the other members, "Mr. Ahn wasn't as much help as I hoped he'd be. And all roads seem to lead back to my dad, so somewhere in one of these boxes there has be something that'll give us the advantage."

After being lead back to a dead end, you couldn't help but feel like you weren't qualified to really be calling shots any further. At least making choices that weren't some wild goose chase that'd end up with someone else getting hurt.

"Sound reasonable enough," Jimin nod in agreement, doing a sudden jerk of his head to crack his neck before pulling a box over to himself. The small actions causing a chain reaction as Jungkook and Jin tired imitating the way he intensely cracked his neck. One by one, you all ended up with a box, as the living room floor became clutter from all the contents being dumped out.

Only getting a few loose papers into it, you watch Hobi from the corner of your eye plop onto his back with his arms sprawled out. He let out a long whine as he turned onto his side facing you, "When do we know if we found something important?" Hobi asked while stirring the stacks of papers around on the floor with a bored pout on his face. "Also is that Yoongi's shirt?"

Carefully trying to create a 'Maybe helpful?' pile and 'Maybe not helpful?'pile with your papers, you gave out an honest answer. "I can't say there's going to be an obvious sign when we find what we're looking for, but anything that leads to a location, or mentions Bin would be our best bets." Looking down at your shirt with a FG logo printed on the dead middle of the beige long sleeve, you shrugged, "And I guess so yeah, I wasn't going to stay dressed as Romeo forever. And I also kind of don't have anything in my closet."

Tae, who was now offended on behalf of your clothing situation, more accurately the lack of one; dramatically dropped the disorganized pile of papers in his hands. "How did you run out of clothes so fast?"

"Not so much that I ran out, just that I never had that much to begin with. Before you guys I only had the Ace attire and my school uniform, plus a sweater. But it's all patched up now that I'm afraid it could unravel at any moment. I also have the clothes Red Velvet gave me, but it's more of a, 'the blood splatter isn't noticeable if you don't squint at it,' kind of get up." You explained as you set back the things you found useless into the file box.

"That would explain why you're wearing Yoongi's shirt." Jin commented towards your shirt, "I can spot you some cash if you need clothes by the way." He added in with accidental undertones of a sugar daddy.

Waving your hand off, you had your eyes glued to the more pressing matter like Namjoon and Yoongi were, "Clothes aren't a big deal for me, I can just borrow some of your guy's stuff time to time, right?"

Nearly causing everyone's attention to inadvertently turn to the second smallest member. It took awhile for said member to realize what was going on, picking up on the silence, Jimin awkwardly lowered down a sparkly magenta flyer that was littered in crumbled lines. Piecing together, Jimin huffed out a, "Well then I guess you can borrow some of my stuff, if you must." Clearly wearing Jin's sweater based on how it fully exposed one of his shoulders, Jimin for the first time would be the one having his clothes stolen for the time being.

Still in all of his Jimin-like personality and glory, he continued on with, "After all I wouldnt mind, if anything it's like pretending you're my girlfriend, wearing all my clothes that are oversized on you-"

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