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"I thought it was going to kill me!"

"It's not even a real person! It's a clown Jimin, and a fake one at that!"

Ragged and out of breath, Namjoon and you took a moment to catch your breaths. Hobi got here with everyone else before you two did. Deciding to wait inside the carnival to stay out of sight from the road and parking lot. Apparently Jimin was already getting ahead of himself by poking around the ticket sale stall. Where a prop clown dummy that was stored overhead fell onto him, to which he shot at it thinking it was an attacker.

Switching the safety of his gun back on, Taehyung looked like he nearly shit himself as he slumped down into a squatting position. You thought about maybe just taking Jimin's gun away for the time being, not because he could've hurt someone, but because somehow he missed the clown prop entirely and shot into a metal sheet wall. That's why the sound rang out louder than it normally would've. Mentally noting to get some of the members back at the shooting range if they were getting rusty or needed to brush up.

Coming down from the unneeded boost of adrenaline, Namjoon forcefully unfurrows his brows before telling Jimin, "Exercise more caution, it's a firearm you're holding, not a nerf gun." Clearly trying to just focus on the silver lining of no actual posing threats here, Namjoon moved on. "For now we'll just fan out the area, cover more ground that way without entirely splitting up from each other. Since we don't know if we'll find something useful or this is all a waste of time, we'll play by ear. Any questions?"

Looking around at each other, no one seemed to be lost as this mini mission was pretty simple. Locate where the illegal under the table works might've taken place, figure out what your dad's true intentions were bringing you here, and to make sure this place is fully abandoned and not secretly still in underground use. Not in that particular order, but for you, you honestly needed to know what was the reason you were brought here monthly. Your dad always seems to have had a plan with everything he did with you so where did this carnival fall into. Because the more you thought about it, the less innocent the memory replayed.

"Okay then, let's get to work, take up an area that hasn't been searched yet." Namjoon told everyone before the seven of you broke off. Watching where everyone headed in different directions, you began to go on your own way as well. Only to regret being the last to take off because now you were left with a haunted house everyone else avoided.

Marching ahead, you leaned down to pat along your upper thigh, double checking to make sure your thigh strap was secured along with your gun. Everyone was strapped and packing heat right now, not that this carnival that was abandoned for almost a decade screamed danger. But after the whole falling off of a cliff and the NCT Red Velvet surprise crossover, you practically made it a new rule that no matter where what or who, always have a gun. This also gave everyone piece of mind that if anyone got separated or was alone that they at least had some means of protection.

As the floorboards creaked under each weighted step you took. Coming across the leftover carcass of a horse carousel, you came to a slow stop. Looking at the fading memory, back to all the times you would stand in front of the brightly lit fair attraction. It should've clicked for you sooner, that Everytime you conveniently got separated from your dad, your younger self would always end up here.

Drawing out those memories slowly, against your better judgement in focus, you made a small detour over to the carousel. Entertaining your childhood further, you envisioned that little you, the crying that was probably drowned out by the carnival game sound effects and music playing overhead. You let out a small smile as you thought back to all those times your dad would magically appear with cotton candy and an ice cream cone in each hand to make everything better.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now