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You felt like a child lost inside a Walmart.

Except you weren't in Walmart, you were knees deep in shark infested waters of the Kangs.

Luckily you haven't ran into any high profile figures. But it doesn't help that Jimin took off, leaving you by yourself to maneuver around party goers without drawing attention to yourself. Considering you were alone, you almost looked like a baby sheep that stumble into a wolves den. It's worst for you because you're actually a wolf in sheep's clothing, that's snuck in and trespassing into another wolf's den.

At any moment a whole pack could rip into you.

You gripped tightly onto your clutch purse as you kept your head down, darting your eyes around for Jimin's faded dark gray hair. Pulling on your sleeves edges while in concentration, you didn't noticed the male in front of you also off in their own thinking. You bumped straight into a sturdy chest, whoever it was, they barely budge when you ran into them.

Looking up your eyes widen in surprise, you nearly said his name out loud. But you noticed a few face features were off, so it couldn't have been Jin. Unless he's been secretly hiding the fact he has a defective clone running around.

Quickly acting like some ditz, you cover the bottom half of your face with your purse. Playing off that action in embarrassment instead of the fact you're trying to minimize the amount of people who see and remember your face. Flashing him a smile with your eyes, you said sweetly, "Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"Don't worry about it, no harm done." He return your smile with a sleazily side smile. You saw his eyes flicker at you up and down, checking you out before commenting further, "I wouldn't mind if you ran into me again."

Cue inaudible gag.

"I'll try not too then." You told him innocently, implying you'd be more careful. Whereas in your head you were really saying it in the complete opposite tone. Figuring the conversation, if you can call that one, ended you kept moving forward. Or at least tried too.

The guy grabbed your wrist as you moved past him, clearly invested in talking with you, he asked, "Woah woah, where's the fire?" You weakly smiled at his joke, which he took as shyness. You noticed even after he kept you in front of him, he didn't let go of your wrist. Causing you to fight every urge to completely shit can this guy. He struck you as the type that didn't know when to quit, and he was already crossing over your fine line of the average person's personal space.

"I'm just going to meet my friend, they're waiting for me." You told him, which was the truth dressed as a lie. You also finally got your arm away from him after polity jerking it back to yourself.

"Maybe your friend can wait a little longer. My name's Seokhyun." He straighten his back while he spoke, trying to make himself look bigger you guessed. After an awkward pause you noticed he was probably waiting your name.

"Lee Chanmi." You told him smoothly without missing a beat. He raised an eyebrow, probably trying to  remember if the Kangs knew a Lee Chanmi. You felt a red light go off since you didn't even know a Lee Chanmi, your mouth just said the name so you wouldn't hesitate in responding. "I really should get going, super nice to have met you Seokhyun." You told him as you tried leaving again.

Just as determined as you are to leave, he was determined to make you stay. "Well Chanmi, I'd like to at least have a drink with you before you run off." He said playfully before looking around for a waiter. The second he looked away, your eyes glared searing daggers into the side of his head. You also wondered if your purse was hard enough to just bash his head in at this point.

Before you got a chance to find out, a waiter suddenly appeared. The waiter firmly inserted himself in between you and Seokhyun, "Mimosa?" You instantly recognized the back of their head as Suga playing the waiter bumped back against you, moving you further away from Seokhyun. The voice offered the aesthetically crafted drink to Seokhyun, as he went in to grab the drink. The waiter's serving tray just so happened to have knocked against the glass, spilling the drink's orange fused with red contents down the front of Seokhyun's shirt.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now