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"Alright, count off gang."

"God I love it when you call us gang unironically, Joonie." Hobi said into his ear piece which caused you and a few others to chuckle over the line.

Without missing a beat after Namjoon's fifth count off request, Jin started with, "One."

Over the minor static you heard the rest count off, sitting next to Tae who had his elbows prop up to hold binoculars as he laid chest down on the roof. Watching the main road he held pressed a finger to his ear as he said "Six." Before moving his hand back to it's original spot. After Jungkook said 'Seven', you pressed your own ear piece saying, "Eight." To finish the count off.

Readjusting the threaded black strap buckle that had a small pack on the back with a black and white bandana like material tied to it that went diagonally over your chest. You tapped Tae's shoulder to get his attention, who handed the binoculars over to you so you could take a look.

"How are you feeling?" Tae asked as he pushed himself off his laying position to sit next to you.

Surveilling the area through the small sleek design of the binoculars, you hummed as the answer was on the tip of your tongue before telling him, "Honestly, surprised, usually Rm doesn't tell me everything. In fact the more I talk about it, the more I realize how he hasn't tried some bullshit karma to get back at me for going MIA this past week. As if he... actually listened to me." Your eyes widening a bit, you pulled the binoculars away and look at Tae, "Tae, I think Rm's possessed, he's not being a complete asshole to me, and I'm scared."

Tae let out a deep laugh at your exaggerated expression before leaning back onto his stretched out arms. "Careful he might hear you." He teased with as he gestured towards the black micro-sized earpiece lodged into his left ear. Rolling your eyes you handed the binoculars back over to him.

"Very funny, Hobi already explained how they work, you need to hold it down with your finger to speak since the microphones sensitive." You carefully checked to make sure your own earpiece was still secured in your own ear. Using your nails to adjust the angle of the small Hobi engineered devices.

"Actually [Y/n], I meant how are you feeling you know, wound wise?" Tae asked, with worry laced into his voice.

Meeting eyes with him, you felt your previous smile falter as you were under his intense gaze, "Yeah, it was just a flesh wound, a week off to take care of it practically healed it over and the stitches weren't too bad. It's definitely gonna leave a pretty gnarly scar, but it's also badass looking, so win-win I guess." You swallowed thickly as Tae's facial expression didn't crack at your shit attempt of a joke.

There were a million ways you could possibly describe how Tae looked right now, but the best way to put it simply was intimidatingly hot. Somewhat in awe of how effortless he looked as the wind blew against his bangs gently, with his sharps feature contrasting it. Catching yourself staring you quickly dropped your gaze and averted your eyes back in front of you. Feeling the back of your neck burn up under his eyes still, you were thinking about something else to say to distract from his sudden serious interest in you.

"Can I see it?"

"Huh?" His request threw you off as you looked back over at him, mostly just confused at what he was asking to see. The fact that his face was still unwavering caused you to be more awkward than you wanted to sound. "See what exactly?"

Tae glanced down to your side while clarifying with, "The scar."

"Yeah sure, I guess." You hesitantly answered with as you unzipped your jacket. Lifting the hem of your gray long sleeved tee up enough to only show the healing scar that was the result of the cut. Finding yourself questioning far too late as to why he asked to see it, you flinched a bit as he suddenly reach out to touch it.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now