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Angrily sitting down onto an empty couch, only for Hobi to sit himself right next to you. Your presence having a clear affect seeing as you revived the hope in Hobi's tired eyes and Yoongi was putting the headphones away as you sat down.

"Would giving you an advance on the info make you feel better?" Hobi offered along with a dimpled smile.

You barely fought off the small smile that made its way to you lips as he tried making you feel better. His cheerleader attitude never failed to make you feel less shitty but you knew saying yes would come with some sort of backfire, "Wouldn't that piss Rm off?"

"Yeah, but it would be me he gets mad at." Hobi reassured but either way you stuck to refusing his offer. The truth was you weren't ready to know about what and why your dad's name came up in the notebook. For a fleeting heart stopping second you even considered that maybe your dad had a hand in Jimin's mom's death.

Swallowing thickly, you shook your head at him. "Can't risk my info broker getting his ass chewed up by dimpled bitch baby." You hummed while patting Hobi's cheek, at the same time you felt the couch sink in on your other side. Looking over you were facing an unamused Yoongi as he got comfy on the cushion. The same way a cat likes to knead at a spot before settling in.

"Can either or both of you maybe just fill me in on the now at least? Or something about who we're babysitting." You asked as you leaned back into the couch as you were loosely sandwich between them. Making it easier to look back and forth between the two without having to completely turn your body around if they spoke in intervals.

There was a silence weighing itself as you heard the girl continuing to ramble in the background. "Seo Eunbi," Hobi spoke a tone lower, even though the long haired and extremely well dressed girl sat across the large living room, you figured it might still be awkward to talk about the Eunbi girl as if she wasn't twelve footsteps away. "Rm's meeting her dad for negotiation on a deal."

"The deal in question is that Mr. Seo recently divorced." Yoongi spoke up, since he was one of the members whose been in the underground the longest, you trust in his prior knowledge on the Seo's. "From what I know, before marrying, Seo and the Mrs were both fairly large leaders of their own respective gangs. They got married to be a power couple, but after their oldest daughter ran away they divorced. Turning their once strong partnership into a personal bloodfued. My guess, they're playing a dangerous blame game over the run away daughter. But Namjoon's trying to make himself the new partner of Mr. Seo, after the split Mr. Seo got all the territory they shared when they were married, and salt in the wound, he got custody over Eunbi."

"So Rm's jumping at the opportunity to gain potential territory, expand, and get BTS in deeper. But what's with us stuck on the babysitting duty?" You asked them, in immediate response both of the boy's let out groans.

Shrugging before crossing his arms, he told you genuinely, "Fuck if I know." Yoongi grumbled a bit as he nestled himself into the armpit of the of the couch snuggly.

"Show of power, Rm wants to show Seo we're capable of a lot, and what better proof than protecting Seo's daughter. Same girl whose gone through a dozen bodyguards over the course of two months." Hobi explained.

"A dozen?" You asked in genuine surprise.

A tired voice spoke up, making you turn your attention from Hobi over to Yoongi. "Just counting the one's who body's were accounted for." Yoongi added in this time, in a sleepy voice as his eyes are shut comfortably.

"Whoever's been paid to take her out is really determined, or good at what they do." Throwing in his insightful commentary, Hobi also situated himself in a more comfy spot on the couch. Resting an arm along the back of the couch behind you.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now