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"Oh it's just you."

Tilting your chin up to stare into the once familiar males eyes as you called out his name. "Jaehyun- oo," Patting your hands against his chest in a curious feel up fashion, you added in your greetings, "Nice pects, did you start working out?"

"[Y/n], what are you doing here?" Jaehyun whisper yelled to your carefree state as he practically carried you away from the bar, while also fighting off your hands from groping his chest. Somewhat frustrated that of all times he wished you'd put away the stoic act, that he was now ironically stuck with you immature drunk personality. You could barely hear his mumble under his breath, saying something about how Tayong and or some Doyoung guys are going to be pissed over Lucas.

"I totally got shitfaced." You beamed at him as you leaned against him for support.

Causing him to sigh out with irritation as a neck vein popped out, "I know that much, I just watched you drink my member under the table. But why get shitfaced here, there's literally a million clubs that overlook fake ids you know." Hinting to the fact that this was a strictly a gang only kind of club.

Turning your lips into a pout, you weakly smacked his arm at his tone. The condensing undertone Namjoon used to speak to you with, which made you feel like an idiot, "Because my members wanted to come here."

Your drunk honesty causing him flinch, stopping in place as his wide eyes searched yours frantically, "[Y/n] did you join a gang?"

"Did you, Jaehyun?"

"My question first."

Groaning, you dramatically rolled your eyes at him for acting like an older brother as he tried holding some authority over you. The only reason you didn't toss his ass was because he got you away from the bar before anymore damage happened and also because your senses were beyond impaired. Making the only toss possible be a result from your stomach ejecting the alcohol flooding your systems. Reluctantly answering him with, "Yes, and why do you care."

"Because my dad sees you as the daughter he never had, my same dad who still listens in on what goes on in the underground. So imagine what kind of heart attack hell have when he finds out you're drinking at gang infested club-... wait, since when did you start drinking." He cut himself off, taking in your dishevel appearance once more.

"Since tonight." You point a finger gun at him while making a cartoonish sound effect to follow it.

As Jaehyun was going to interrogate you on why you were drinking to get shitfaced. Your attention was pulled elsewhere from Jaehyun's eyes as you became drunkenly overjoyed that you practically yelled into his ears, "It's Taetae." As you recognized the visually pleasing member as he stood in front of the two of you.

Taehyung taking in the scene before him, eyes darkening dangerously for Jaehyun as his current position spelled out the worst for him. You completely flustered and out of it with your hands against Jaehyun as he tightly kept his arms around your back, the whole thing clearly sending red flags off. Causing Tae to yelled out through gritted teeth as he marched up to Jaehyun, fists tightly clenched and ready to knock his ass into his next life, "You motherfucker, what did you do to her."

"Hey, woah okay, wait a second. Before you try to kill me, she just drank half a bar- by her own choice- I swear I just wanted to help her out of there before some creep could try to take advantage of her." Jaehyun worked fast to clear up the misunderstanding. Which didn't convince Tae in the slightest as his eyes held a murder glint in them.

"Are you talking about yourself." Tae spat the words out, bringing up his track record of harassing you in front of him the first time he met Jaehyun. Tae tilting his chin back so he was looking down at Jaehyun from an angle. Arching a brow as he clicked his tongue, his fist itching to just sucker punch him once he caught Jaehyun in a lie.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now